who gets lazy in the relationship First? boy? or Girl?

United States
October 26, 2009 1:04pm CST
Hmm..in a relationship, it is about 2 different people making it work :) and before you fall in love you realize all the things you really enjoy about that person, from being very affectionate to you feeling like a God because they are always by your side, then you start dating,and it is perfect :)i am curious to well know.. in a relationship, does the guy get lazy? or does the girl get lazy? i mean do they show less affection after time? or is it because they know you wont leave them, so they think they can get away with it? what i am trying to say is.. when relationships happen and time passes, who gets lazy 1st? Boy or Girl? Let me know :)
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1 response
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Relationships won't be as exciting as it first started all of the time, but that's normal. Being lazy doesn't mean you no longer love the person as much but you're just comfortable of how things are. As for who gets lazy first, it depends, there will be times when men get lazy or bored first, and there will be times when it's the woman who started getting bored first. It depends really, but when your partner starts complaining of boredom, it's a warning signal that he/she wants to do something else for a change, take heed and do something to save the relationship. Else, like all other failed relationships, it'll go down the drain.