do you know who is your real friend????

October 27, 2009 12:35am CST
Me.... i knew my friend when i was at the stormy part of my life.... i couldnt run anyone...and for those i knew before and i considered them as my true friend... they are all gone and nobody just to hear me... and When i have nothing and nobody can talk to ../ i went him and talk all my pains.. and shout all the anger i have ..... After i rendered to Him and ask him to Guide me//// He never let me feel from that time that i am alone.. He hold me and never let me down..... that is my Friend.... My Lord..... what about you???? tell me Yours.....
4 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
27 Oct 09
Hi jen! I feel that I am my real friend. No one can understand me better than I. I know lot about my personality and thinking and emotions, which others just cannot understand, even if I share it with them.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
no please.. try to have an outlet... dont let yourself too hard,.. later you will realize that you cannot let yourself out... because you are full.... find someone who can let you understand...and talk to my friend too... you will know...He is here... listening to you....... thank you for sharing your thoughts...
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Up to now I don't know who is my real friends are. I can't rely to them when I'm need them because they are not willing to listen to my problems and they don't understand me. God always there for us willing to listen to our problems in our life and He is always there beside us.
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
30 Oct 09
Thanks for your useful advice. I have taken note of it.
@KompitaPita (2051)
• Bulgaria
27 Oct 09
Hi jenely103085. Well... you never can know for sure that if someone is your real friend. I can feel if a person that I call 'my friend' is a real one. Sometimes people can be great actors ... behind you they can spoke bad things and when they are with you they will said only good things ... I mean that people can be really bad. I have some real friends who are really cares about me I know it for sure. It is good to have good friends, so you can help one another and have fun together, but friend is a really special word for me and that is why I use this word if I am sure that the person who called my friend really cares about our friendship.
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
wow... good to hear that girl... and wishing that you can have a very strong friendship..and everyone should give too much important with that,....GOD BLess!!!
@StarBright (2798)
• United States
31 Oct 09
Of course, God is number 1 in my life. My husband and children are my best friends. But they are family, also. I have been blessed with an earthly best friend. This friendship has been tested and stood the test of time. We are more like sisters than blood sisters. She is the one person I know that has my back. We live in different towns now, but we still talk every day. We have laughed together, cried together, worked together, prayed together, and worried together. We have no secrets. No subject is off-limits. Each of us has the highest respect for the other. We have assisted each other financially and the friendship never suffered. I saw her through a nasty divorce. We helped raise each other's children. I am truly blessed to have her as a friend. If you can have just one true friend in life, then you are indeed blessed.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
i know who my friend is, and she is my wife. we are married for 7 years already and she is the only one i can rely on with my ups and downs and i know she will be honest to tell the truth on my face. so who needs friends if i have her. we love to talk about anything and everything that can release tensions and stress. with also the help and guidance of our Lord. welcome to the wonderful world of mylot jen hope to see more of you