Do you enjoy internet?

@borhan (1338)
United States
October 28, 2009 2:00am CST
There are some people who uses internet absolutely for professional usage. Few enjoy this internet only for communication purpose. For me, i do enjoy it in many ways. Mylot, facebook, google, youtube in everywhere i enjoy this usage of internet. Besides it is a great source if information also. For any topic, the moment i feel to know, this internet is the only ready source for me. I really enjoy it and still i know that many other segments of enjoying internet is yet to discover. Do you enjoy internet, friend?
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42 responses
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
28 Oct 09
I enjoy doing almost everything that I do online. I post in mylot, I chat in Gtalk, I download movies, songs and softwares, I get whatever information I need from the internet. It is an amazing thing and it really helps me in my day to day activity.
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@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
You are truely enjoying the internet! Thats great! keep it up, friend.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
28 Oct 09
I spend almost all of my time on the internet, except for when I am playing or doing some work on the computer. I am online as long as my computer is on.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
28 Oct 09
Hi borhan, I am using internet mainly for mylot. I am using it for communication purpose too. Sometimes I read the local newspapers from my native place and it helps to me know the news from native state. I can enjoy the local language music from net when I have free time in office. Officially I need lot of material from net. We have publications so we need material from different newspapers published nationally and internationally.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
28 Oct 09
Why not, I agree I am enjoying internet in a very positive way.
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@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
So, Do you agree that you love it and you enjoy this? It is really a big source of enjoying.
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@o_utsider (371)
• China
28 Oct 09
Of course,I enjoy internet,even though I have no commputer in my house. But my work must be with computer,so I enjoy internet in my work time.When I finish my work,I will do anything I like on internet,just like enjoy mylot.
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@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Great friend.
• India
28 Oct 09
hi dude. i am also a person who use internet for professional work because i am a internet cafe administrator and internet is my need. all of my work is basically related with net. but in my free time i am always use net for fun like chatting, browsing and mylot. hace a nice day.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Oh, you are living in net, i can say. As your all works are with net, dont you ever felt bored?
• India
28 Oct 09
not at all some time i felt very bored also on net. yes net gives you many type of fun but not all. sometime you need rest and sleep. so when i am feeling bored and tired i am want a long sleep.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Yes, we all need rest. Your pc or laptop also needs rest. But net never rests and it keeps on serving us.
@allknowing (132070)
• India
28 Oct 09
Ever since I got the taste of Internet I am kind of addicted to it.I treat it as my companion having no time for real friends. Bad not doubt but this virtual world has so much to offer. I do not have to get up from my seat to socialise. I learn a lot too by intereacting with people I feel who are compatible with me which I hardly find in the real world. Everything under the sun is there for the asking be it music, movies, GK!! For me Internet has become a part of me and I do not know how I would otherwise spend my time!!
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
You consider internet as a friend? Waaooo. Thank you.
@lxclark (19)
• United States
28 Oct 09
internet? i love it ..i love worldofwarcraft! ive just made friedns with a pretty in WOW 2hours be4 ,lol, will u come with me ? Arthas realm united,alliance, my character's name Unstop. friends make games n internet more funny, u agree with me ? lets make the internet more pleasurable
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Hellow friend, welcome to the world of mylotters. You love internet. Seems that you love online games. Thats great.
• United States
29 Oct 09
WoW was tons of fun when I played...too bad I had to drop it cuz it got too expensive...
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
The birth of the internet is one of the most welcomed new technology the world has ever experienced. Internet is far reaching and connects the unknown to the unknown, supply the most up-to-date information to everyone at the press of a button. I am indeed thankful to be able to use the internet for so many purposes which includes socializing and shopping. It has brought friendships to my door and enjoy exchanging views like what we are doing now in mylot. Yes....I enjoy internet very much and it has become part of my life. It is nice to live in two separate worlds, the real world and the virtual world created by internet. I ask no more as...internet has created my world of fantasy...
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Great..thanks for the BR.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
Yes of course. The internet has brought us many good things. From learning to earnings as well as communicating and gaining friends and finding out old friends. It has surely change the way people do. You can also watch videos for entertainment as well as knowledge. Obviously, I am enjoying my online life.
• China
28 Oct 09
I don't agree whith you,most people use internet for playing games.And do not for any other useful uses.Also they could not obtain any knowledge!
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
I agree with you.This is the most revolutionary gift of science in recent past. Thank you.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
I would not be here if I am not enjoying the internet. I have gained a lot online. Not only knowledge but friends as well as earnings. So it is really great to be online. I know that there are also things that will give a bad influence in minors. But for as long as you use it to good use, for sure the outcome is also good.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
You are very correct, for internet, we are discussing here. Happy mylotting.
@checkmail (2039)
• India
29 Oct 09
Hello borhan this is checkmail and do use internet nearly for all purpose like earning , communication, Learning , etc purposes.Mostly there are infinite sites to surf on the net so we have choice of selecting another one if bored.And there are various entertaintment sites which just makes it enjoyable.Even receivin emails from friends business counters and chatting with them is a part of fun online.Yeah can we say that we enjoy the Internet as much more is yet to be discovered.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I am sure all mylotters enjoy internet. If someone does not enjoy internet, he cannot be a mylotter. Have a great day.
@fan_philo (227)
• India
29 Oct 09
Yes i enjoy this internet communication very much i have met lots of friends nationaly and internationally and i like to play puzzles quizes etc on the whole it is good as well as bad it all depends on u and how u use it.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
You enjoy internet and you love online puzzles, quizes. Great.
@SouravRC (247)
• India
29 Oct 09
I do enjoy internet. I use it for both professional and personal reason. It's a very good tool to enhance your knowledge and earn money as well. BY using internet we can meet a lot of people from different part of the world and in this way I've made many friends. I love internet!
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I really enjoy internet. Nice to see that you also enjoy it. Thats great.
• United States
29 Oct 09
I use the Internet to do research for school. As a matter of fact, I am doing an online University and so is my husband. I do use the Internet to chat with friends and family. I look for gift ideas, selling items on ebay, to do a few surveys and to make extra money. I just started using mylot and love it a lot. I am making friends and am able to give advice and ask questions.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Thats a great use of internet. For education! Great!
@zxlnet (31)
• China
29 Oct 09
I enjoy internet and spend almost 12 hours surfing the internet. I cannot believe how to live and work without the internet. I'm a IT professional and I need to seach a lot of information on the internet everyday. I also connect to my customers,friends,family on internet.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
You are doing the optimum usage of internet. Great.
@kavis487 (259)
• India
28 Oct 09
LOL ,everyone should love internet because this is fast world ,the peoples noy like to preferred slow internet connection too,everyone need speed in them life,without internet no one can work quickly.Almost everyone loves internet.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
There are many places and people where internet is not even a known thing. Pray as those dark places of the world come into the net connectivity. Thank you.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
Hi Borhan, Yes...I need an internet in my life. I surf net everyday. No internet in a day will make me feel handicapped. I never play online games before,so most of my time are checking emails,chatting with my friends,facebook,mylot and surfing some cooking recipes.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
You are a bonafide internet lover. Great!
@IMEzekieL (498)
28 Oct 09
Are you kidding? Of course I am. I believe everyone does. Internet is like the greatest thing ever happened to our lives as human beings. Now you can connect to the other side of the world in just seconds.
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
Hi we have many things in common.. but for me aside from having experiences reading nice messages here ... still i can manage to communicate with all kinds of people. Normally if am sad i enjoy talking with my friends thru yahoo as part of unwinding/
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Thats a great usage of internet. Thank you, friend.
@rhan04 (307)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
I definitely do. I can't imagine how dull my life would be without it. It helps a lot not only professionally. Through the internet, I can get in touch with my family and friends without hassle. Meet new people from different worlds and even discover new things here. I really love it and I don't want to live my life without it.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Internet is my most close friend. ha ha .. Digital friend!
• India
28 Oct 09
Yes, I do enjoy internet. Internet is a large stage of information. I enjoy music, chating etc
@borhan (1338)
• United States
29 Oct 09
You are very correct, friend.