Super Mommy

United States
October 28, 2009 6:44pm CST
Grrrr.....I am at my complete wit's end. I love my son. I love my other half. Overall I can't complain about my life. It goes as well as can be expected. But what I am trying to figure out is how exactly to be a Super Mommy. Although the household chores are supposed to be split up between my other half and I, I usually end up doing them all anyways. My favorite line of his is "you don't have to do my laundry. I know how to use the washer". Yet if I don't they all just pile up on the bedroom floor. Let me think about this. Do I want to smell his stinky laundry or do I want to try and keep the apartment clean? I think I will keep it clean. I cook, I clean, I run around after a 4 year old, I take care of our 3 cats and 1 dog, do the grocery shopping, track the finances, and work full time. All while he sleeps in until he has to get up and work everyday. Please, lol, I need help!!! Where do all you super mommies get your super powers from. I think my attitude of I can do this, I can do this, I can do this is starting to run low. I wouldn't mind doing so much if I had some help. It doesn't even have to be 50 / 50. Just something. And my poor little guy...I couldn't take it anymore today. I just broke down into tears and cried myself silly. I am so overwhelmed at home. Of course, him being the sweet little boy that he is came over and gave me a hug and said "mommy, please don't cry. i love you. you be happy, okay?" which of course made me cry even harder. So I gave him a hug and got up and started cleaning up the toys all over the living room. A few minutes later I heard him in his bedroom making all kinds of noise. I peeked in to check on him and he was picking up all his toys. I asked him what he was doing. He told me he was gonna be my best helper today and clean his bedroom all up for me. He just about melted my heart. After he said that I decided not to be super mommy. I scooped him up, gave him a huge hug, and we had desert before we ate lunch. But seriously, this is my first child. What do I need to do to get those darn super mommy powers??
2 responses
@chevill (316)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
we have the same situation my dear. sometimes i wish i could divide myself into pieces to give my attention both to my hubby and my kids at the same time.
• United States
29 Oct 09
I hate for getting frustrated at them and the situation but then I get frustrated because I am wasting even more energy on the frustration. I can't win no matter what!!!
• United States
3 Nov 09
Give up on the spotless house. Give up perfect meals all the time. You work full time, you have a kid, your priority at home should be time with child and family. I stay home and I have resigned myself to the fact that the laundry is never done. It never will be done. No matter what I do, there will be a new pile of laundry. So I do at least one load every day and it stays controllable. (there are also 6 people I'm doing laundry for. I prioritize. Things that stink go first, or anything that we are out of.) Get to know your crockpot. Embrace shortcuts in cooking. I also have a man who says he can do his laundry and does not do it. I've accepted this and just do it myself. The man also can't see a dirty bathroom sink or a tub. I literally do not think he has cleaned the bathroom once during our marriage, except if you count cleaning up the hair when he cuts his or our son's hair. He *does* cook. Well. And often. He *does* occasionally, very occasionally, offer to spend time with the kids so I can nap, etc. He even sometimes cleans up the kitchen after himself. You've got to notice and appreciate what he does....and try to accept what he doesn't.