health - neck pain

October 29, 2009 9:31am CST
i have a neck pain since 2 yrs . it started hurting after sleeping when i used to get up i would feeel pain in my neck .then i would rotate my neck it gave popping and crunching sounds .i had a CT scan done but it said everything is normal . plz tell me if anybody have these problem or could help me.
2 responses
• India
2 Nov 09
The possible reasons for neck pain could be any one or more of these factors: 1. You may have eye power problem. Please check the power of your vision with a qualified ophthalmologist and wear correct power glasses. This will relieve your eye problems and consequent neck problems as well. 2. Probably you are using a pillow of great thickness for apparent great comfort but it doesn't work that way. With a pillow of slightly higher thickness there is an unusual upward tilt to your neck which adds a great strain on your neck which you start feeling once you get up from bed. The remedy: try using a pillow of shallow height ( very thin pillows - "no pillows" suggestion is also not advisable.) If you start using a thin pillow, you are likely to get relief from the neck pain. 3. Check whether you lead a very stressful life and carry a lot of worries when you go to bed. It might transfer to the most vulnerable part of your body which is your neck. If this is a possible reason, every night before you go to bed, tell yourself ( auto-suggestion), that you are leaving all your worries in the trust of God and He should take care of all of those problems before morning, and go to bed as a relaxed individual. In the morning you will be pleasantly surprised to note that, not only there is no more neck problems but also you would find that God Almighty has already suggested a nice solution to your problems. God's help and guidance is always available to all of us but very few of us avail this wonderful free service. 4. If you spend a lot of time before a computer or television or any other equipment which requires your continuous concentration for a fairly long time every day, this also could cause neck pain in the night or early in the morning. The remedy: at least once every hour, close your eyes for atleast for 5 minutes and imagine complete relaxation for the entire body, particularly for the eyes. 5. In the mornings, you can do mild rotating exercises for the neck. Don't do sharp turns or violent movements of the neck. Only soft and soothing exercises will give you good benefit. 6. You could try giving hot fomentations to your neck in the morning which will relieve the strained neck muscles. If none of these measures gives you relief ( of course, you have to give them a try at least continuously for a week ), then you will have to consult a good and reliable doctor and get his advice. Good wishes for a quick relief and happy health.
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
just try to chnge your sleeping position. the neck gets strained whenever it's in the same position for a long time. Also do some neck exercises. this will help practice your neck to different positions.