What's your favorite type of movie to watch?

@Lcrkar05 (344)
United States
October 29, 2009 4:32pm CST
I mostly like action and comedy. I'll only watch certain horror movies and certain sci-fi movies. How about you?
4 responses
@icecubic (1845)
• Indonesia
29 Oct 09
I usually enjoying movie on my home, watching movies is half of my life as i'm a moviecaholic you know. I love any kind of movie genre but mostly addicted on horror thriller like saw series, hostel series, and others. It's full of blood and gore. Good day guys.
@Lcrkar05 (344)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I like the Saw movies, but some of the parts were hard for me to watch. Some told me not to watch the hostel movies, because of all the gore.
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
How about some comedy,animate or hentai
@maezee (41996)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I'm a fan of a lot of genres, but my top two are definitely comedy and psychologically thriller. Sometimes a little romantic comedy, and a LITTLE horror - but not too much.
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
I've been into Korean Drama and Taiwanese Series lately. It's so much different from the usual romantic hollywood movies we see. You get to see the conservative yet romantic type of love stories.