Another Typhoon??

October 30, 2009 5:43am CST
I just heard this news from a friend, I don't when to come. But for those places who'd been affected please take an extra care, you have to prepare for your safety!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL
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5 responses
@wengerts (42)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
I can also feel the typhoon coming. I'm from Bulacan and it's already raining outside. We also have a storm signal here (not sure though if it's signal # 2 or 3). I hope that I won't get to experience another trauma after Ondoy. I have recovered... but not another typhoon please! =( Take care everyone! Stay safe. God bless us all!
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
31 Oct 09
We thought that PAG-ASA is exaggerating the forecast because yesterday we don't feel any rain or wind here we don't that they did a mistake again. We are surprised that the typhoon really hits us the rain is pouring hard together with the strong wind last night up to this morning. We experienced brownout the whole day luckily the electricity resume again and we looking forward also to the water supply to resume.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
As I type this post I am slowly feeling the wrath of Typhoon. Rains started falling already though winds are not yet felt in my area. I am thinking that it may arrive anytime in my place I just hope that it would not repeat what the flood like the ones we just had a month ago.
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
The typhoon santi was supposed to hit the Visayas area but it changed course and heading for luzon. I don't know if it's the same one or another one is brewing somewhere in the ocean. We've been prepared here in the visayas and well we were spared. But really I prayed for rain because the plants are dying and I don't liike to water my plants everyday. Just hope that it will be changing course again and make landfall.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
ABS-CBN news update about the TYPHOON SANTI... Typhoon will land fall in Quezon 10:00 PM(GMT+8) Manila's Signal raised to 3 now.... wew.... Signal #1 here in Baguio ... GOd help us.
@rdsantos (320)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
well unfortunately its gonna hit our still at the office while the storm is coming as you all read my post.(lol)..