How many discussions do you post per day?

@LisaGuo (241)
November 7, 2009 1:05am CST
At the very beginning,I'm here for learning.It's true that there's many cute and smart friends in mylot.Then I found I can earn pennies everyday through starting topics.Ah,it's amazing,I like this. So I try to post more each day to earn more:) The truth is that the earning is still little.I wonder how many posts do you start everyday?
19 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
7 Nov 09
hello lisa! you are the first one that i saw who says that she was here for learning in the beginning! i'm surprised coz most of us are here in the beginning for earning! hehe just like me, at first, i registered here for the reason of earning but now, things are different coz i am here for fun & learning... with your many post did i post per day? hmmm 1? yes, and sometimes i don't post any...unlike before that i post about 3-5 topics per day... but even if i don't post any new discussion per day, i was still able to earn good by responding & commenting back on discussions... good day & keep on posting! welcome to mylot!
@syndrix (475)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 09
"ckyera"! "LisaGuo" is still a baby that's why she is still in the beginning and learning. First of all Lisa didn't knew it that here in MyLot if ever she post or responded to any discussion she'll earned a little penny. About how many post per day? I encouraged her to response to this topic she started so that she could make many post as she can. As long as she reply to this topic she started I'll keep on posting too. have a nice day MyLotters.
@LisaGuo (241)
• China
7 Nov 09
yes,my english is poor.I though i may improve it here:)And now I found more interesting than learning that is earning:-)
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
7 Nov 09 being active in participating to discussions, your english will definitely improve... just have fun here my friend and you will see how fund will follow after... but just be patient coz earnings is kinda slow...hehe what matters most is that we enjoy and we have fun and as a reward, we get some cents and gain more friends...
@syndrix (475)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 09
"LisaGuo" same here I am also thinking how can I manage to post a bunch of topics like others does. Well i think if you want to post more more you need to keep on replying and replying to the post discussion. So lets see in this topic how we can make to post as many as we can. I'll wait your response you should spent hours for these.
@LisaGuo (241)
• China
7 Nov 09
Yes,it's true that it takes much time to reply the comments as well.Shame that I have so many comments need to be replied.I'm considering of stop starting topics for replying.
@kavis487 (259)
• India
7 Nov 09
I usually start one or two discussions per day your earnings are not only depends on quantity of your post.Earning depends upon many factors .
@syndrix (475)
• Malaysia
8 Nov 09
Helo again "LisaGuo", as i have said to you i'll keep on following your post to make your topics keep going, in here you will not just learn and improve your English and mine since both of us are not native english speaker. So far your page has already two pages just keep on replying to other members if you are online and not bored so that they can stay tuned to you. Have a wonderful day happy mylotting.
@fiazio (734)
• India
7 Nov 09
I used to start a lot of discussions, but now I start only ones which I'm sure will get a lot of responses. People here have been answering to questions all day/night long so I don't want then to get more frustrated. I want my discussions to be easily understood and to the point.
@LisaGuo (241)
• China
7 Nov 09
YOU ARE SMART.Also I find tired of keeping thinking of different topics.I'll response others and reply the responses I had.
@simonelee (2715)
• China
7 Nov 09
hello, Lisa. Honestly, depends on my mood. Sometimes in a week i post nothing. I just participate in my friends discussion or anyone here that catches my attention. Forcing my sell in posting a new discussion will only gives me few response, worst "0".
@LisaGuo (241)
• China
7 Nov 09
I do agree with you.It happened this morning. I found a little tired of start any topic,so I stopped.To force myself to do something,that's not my style.
• China
8 Nov 09
at the beginning, i tried to post one each day. the most i post one day might be three. and then, cause busy, and in fact also other reasons, less and less. and even until now. i havent post any discussion since a long time before.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Generally it depends on time, i have in my hand. But the days when i have good amount of time, i try to reply average 20 discussions. Besides, i try to start one or two discussion also. As per earning affair, i am not much old here. Some secrets are here, still i have not understood the earning secrets all. My basic understanding is quality discussions and descriptive style with relevancy is a prime requirement here. Have a great day.
@LisaGuo (241)
• China
7 Nov 09
It's not the first time I read about qulity discussions for good earnings.It seems it's really important.Keep in mind!
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Yeah, I really like Mylot. Not only do you make money, you get to make tons of friends that actually like you for who you are =) I post around twenty posts per day. I'm not sure if that's considered a lot or not, but that's how it is for me. That's about twenty pennies a day, which is good enough for me. When I first joined Mylot, I intended to make as much money as possible, but now, I just want to have some fun and socialize, with money as a byproduct. I wish you luck!
• India
8 Nov 09
It depends on my mood and my situation. Sometimes ago I had posted about 14 to 16 posts in a day but nowadays I have got not so much time. For that reason I have only few or none posts nowadays in myLot.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
7 Nov 09
I don't really count the discussions I post each day. If a discussion interests me , then I I will respond or comment on it. Mylotters always seem to come up with the best discussions so it's always a good site to be on. Keep up the good work fellow mylotters!
• Philippines
7 Nov 09
this is actually my first post. I'm here to earn, and learn as well. learn how to earn more :)
• Philippines
7 Nov 09
Hi LisaGuo! If you started a discussion be sure to make your discussion active by commenting back to your responses. That will make your discussion more interesting and fun because true exchanging of ideas and ineteraction is happening... aside forn the fact that it increases your earnings... I acutually don't take count of my posting and discussions... I just post and respond to topics that I find interesting. And start new discussions if I feel that something is need to be shared.
@ample03 (403)
• India
7 Nov 09
Hello LisaGuo, I am also new to Mylot and I like to spend a lot of time here everyday. It totally depends on how many discussions I can respond to. I like to respond to easy as well as interesting topics. If I have anything to start in my mind as a discussion I start it and I also like to comment on the responses. Happy Mylotting
@JohnJeff (720)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 09
Hello friend.I also like you when first time i discovered this site.I'm very excited to post many discussions and give response as many as I could.Lastly I found the money I can earn crawling like snail.After that I little bit slow around five to ten post per day.I change my mind about this site.My aim right now to make many friends around the world.Have an ice day.
@hunieby (207)
• Philippines
8 Nov 09
Hi. It really depends if I have something on my mind or if i have something I want to ask then I post them all. There are times though that only one or two comes to mind.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
7 Nov 09
I used to make a lot of discussions but they wouldn't get a lot of responses. So I just focus more now on making interesting and good discussions that will get a lot of responses. I am more of a responder than a discussion starter. lol.
@victory12 (348)
• Nigeria
7 Nov 09
Hi Lisa, I join this site months ago but am not active but later i discovered that mylot is one of the best site to learn more about life and also to make friend and interact together. i used to start two discussion everyday sometime i only response to discussion.
• China
7 Nov 09
hi,LiaGuo,are you Chinese?aha, I am curiously to ask you,because I see your hair is,I usually post 20 discussions per day, thus I can increase the speed of earning money.and if I have much time, I would be up to 30 posts per day. happy mylotting.
• India
7 Nov 09
hmm s i have started every day
@The1one1 (105)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 Nov 09
Well, i have just joined today xD, and i have posted about 20 times I still haven't started any discussions