What do you do when you are sad?

United States
November 13, 2009 8:33am CST
I usually cry and let it all out so that my sadness does not overlap and become anger.
5 responses
• Thailand
13 Nov 09
I don't know, maybe I'd just cry or scream as loud as I can. I don't show that much emotion cause I am not emotional. I think that it is good to show your expression though so you won't have to keep the feelings inside of you. It does no harm to cry but it does harm to the others if you keep this sorrow to yourself and go and do something bad afterwards. Anyway, happy mylotting ya all.
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
Well, when I'm sad I'll just walk around the streets and just let my feet take me wherever it goes. I'll be trying to reminisce the things happened and learn from it and think about the things I should do. Quiet and silent places are the most suitable ones for me when I'm lonely or sad.
@etioewe (142)
• Mexico
13 Nov 09
well actually, I am one person that get sad and depress almost all the time for no reason, so I tried going out often and most times listen to music to relax my thoughts because the truth is sadness is a state of mind and it depends on you to control your mood, no one can help you out. And so I try not to allow anything get me upset that will put me in a mood that I am not comfortable with. Also I try not to worry about my past mistakes nor what will be in front because often times those are the reasons why sadness and depression comes in.
@vincyk (198)
• China
13 Nov 09
When i am sad i always listening to the music,watching movies,eating and sleeping,haha.When i am young i always crying when i feel sad but now i really can't cry any more.Maybe the teers will be less and less with the growth of us
@srija12 (211)
• India
13 Nov 09
Hi, When I am sad I'l try to divert me like hearing songs,watching movies and chatting with my friends.So for sure we will get rid of worries and then only we will get solution for everything