What is your experience with the new palmbux?

@jenzai (388)
November 18, 2009 5:07am CST
I started my palmbux account last July 29, 2009. When i registered they provide me their own password not my own password. Their was an email verification sent with a password they provide. So i start clicking with the palmbux knowing that there are many users with that site, and i can see a lot of people endorsing it.My problem begins when they change their login "https" to "http". With this new log in heading i can no longer access to my account. I have no way of asking for it except for this mylot users. I am wondering if i was scam by palmbux or they just in the mood to discriminate some users in their site. I feel bad not that i have lost the income but because i trusted them and they have waste my time. i hope this is not happening to some of the palmbux member here in my lot. If at any rate their are some palmbux members here inmy lot can you ask it to the palmbuxforum with this kind of problem, my account name in that site is "jenny09". Thanks..
1 response
• India
18 Nov 09
This is quite a bad news. I am a member of Palmbux, and till today I have just accumulated about $1 in earnings. I hope they will pay the money, and will not cheat. Neobux has already cheated me.