Bad habit

@JohnJeff (720)
November 24, 2009 10:49am CST
What is the guy bad habit that you most hate?
5 responses
• United States
24 Nov 09
Augh. Ignoring me for World of Warcraft. I hate that it's so annoying.
• Indonesia
25 Nov 09 least, he is not ignoring you because of other women. Most gamer don't realy care to much about their gf, Game is no.1 for them and women just no. 2
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
most of the guys I know smoke. I don't like it. And yeah, farting out loud! haha!
@patgalca (18251)
• Orangeville, Ontario
24 Nov 09
No question in my mind... farting! I cannot stand it. Sometimes the smell is overpowering, but just the sound alone is very disturbing. I think it's disrespectful but then my husband says, "I should be allowed to fart in my own home." Kind of has a point, I guess. But he doesn't do it in public, as the responder above said.
• United States
24 Nov 09
Well I'm not gonna lie I do have a "bit" of an Amphetamine/Dexmethylphenidate problem...but as bad as that is I think I hate smoking stupid ciggarrets the most! ciggarettes are the most worthless habit you can have IMO
@unique16 (1531)
• United States
24 Nov 09
Hello JohnJeff, Selfishness and emotional selfishness the most. The running second is bad behavior. Happy Thanksgiving Sincerely Unique16