Have you tryed New Orkut

November 26, 2009 2:42am CST
hi friends , Have you tryed new orkut? orkut has started new versio which appers like face book.bur bad thing is we can try it directly.any one who have that new orkut much invite you to that orkut.so go to communitys and ask them to invite you to try new orkut.
4 responses
• India
26 Nov 09
Ya i have also tried that one the new look is cool but we cannot use that orkut without invitation........and it is only limited to us.......a few days back my friend sent me request for that and i liked it but later i came to know that only people who are invited can use that...and no body will noe that you are using new or old...... and i was also disapointed because one friend can only send the request to 5 frnds
@aadi_87 (347)
• India
26 Nov 09
Its not that you can send invite to only 5 people.There is a community on Orkut created by Orkut developers where we need to join and they send us an invite to try the new Orkut.Once we accept the invite they send us 5 invitations to send to our friends and they keep a track on how well are we using those invites.Once the 5 invites are done and all the friends who have been invited start using the newer version the community sends us more invites so that we can invite more number of people.
• India
26 Nov 09
yeah i have tried the new orkut.It is very similar to facebook ,i reaaly loved it though.If we use the new version orkut our orkut connection will be slow.If u have atleast 256 kbps speed you can switch on to the new orkut otherwise its not worthy
• India
26 Nov 09
yea i did try the new orkut.i didnt find it much better than the older one.the older one was more easy to use and less complicated.the new orkut looks just like facebook and is kind of a little more tough to use.i prefer the old one and im still using the old one.i find it way easier.although the looks of the new one are much more having a professional look.
@aadi_87 (347)
• India
26 Nov 09
Hi!! I have tried the new Orkut version but M disappointed after using it.It seems as a bad rehash or copy of Facebook and the whole interface seemed a bit confusing to me at start.I wasn't able to get what was going on with it and what was I doing on the newer version.Agreed its fast as compared to the older version but as m used to the older version I switched back to the old interface.