Where do you buy Christmas gifts?

@mchavez11 (1406)
November 28, 2009 10:15am CST
Christmas is fast approaching and people are started buying gifts for their loved ones and friends. When i was still single, i used to buy my gift items from branded stores since i have enough money to spend but now that i am a family man, my wife and i buy gifts from bazaars because they are more cheaper and affordable. Furthermore, bazaars have lots of unique goods that you cannot find from other stores. You can also find quality items particulary the home-made and hand-made crafts/products from different parts of the country. Since our family is big, i considered Bazaars as a good source and place for Christmas shopping.
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4 responses
@jugsjugs (12967)
28 Nov 09
I try to order all of the christmas gifts rather than going to the shop as i find it painful to walk and i have lots of things i have to get for all the members of my family,so i tend to cheat and get them all online.There are alot of nice gifts you can get online where as in a shop in town they do not have the same things on offer.
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
28 Nov 09
That is great that you can find a store that fits your budget! I shop at Walmart, Dollar Tree and Dollar General. I can find items that are cheap but nice for gift giving. I am good at picking out gifts that are cheap.
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• Canada
5 Dec 09
Where I buy my Christmas presents depends on what I want. I try my best to buy as much as i can off of the internet, so that I don't have to go too far to get it, and so I don't have to put up with crowded stores, and frenzied shoppers. I will do just about anything to stay out of the Christmas rush. This year I had gift certificates for Amazon, so I bought books for everyone. It was wonderful.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
28 Nov 09
I love Christmas, but I dont like to buy too much stuff cuz I dont like to spend money now... lolz. but I do buy for my kids and that is it. And actually, I have a small family and I dont have to buy much lolz... hope to keep it this way. mostly I just buy my gift where my kids love, such as toys at wal mart, or clothes at Rose
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