Need help withdrawing funds/selling shares from Genius Funds - I don't get this

United States
December 6, 2009 11:51am CST
On June 6th, 2009 - I deposited $50 into the Emerging Market Fund and $50 into World Market Fund, both with a 100% reinvestment rate, for a term of 180 days each. If I'm reading correctly, the EMF fund's "no sale period" (i.e. no withdrawal) lasts 150 days and the WMF lasts 180 days, so I figured screw it I'll put the term for both at 180 days (why not?). Today, December 6th, 2009 - It's been 180 days from my deposits. I'm unable to sell my shares/withdraw my funds because its saying they haven't matured yet. It says my EMF fund doesn't mature until January 5th, 2010 and my WMF fund doesn't mature until February 10th, 2010. Did I read something incorrectly or do I have this whole reinvestment concept wrong in my mind? Would it be too late to change it to 75% reinvestment and withdraw what I'm owed immediately or would I have to wait another 180 days or whatever all over again? ***CONFUSED***
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7 responses
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
6 Dec 09
I'm in there also, they probably mean banking days, that;s fairly common! I just switched last week from 100% to 0% so waiting to see what happens! I've got a few friends in there and they swear by it! But everyone thought Adventures4u was a winner also! good Luck! tdemex
• Malaysia
17 Feb 10
Hi, I am also thinking 2 invest there. can u share ur experiences? Have u already getten profits from the genius fund?
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
17 Feb 10
Yes I've been in there a long time! This iis a good site so far! You invest your cash and you have 2 choices you let the interest add up or they pay you the interest weekly! Ive done both! Note you can mot remove your funds for 6 months! But I'm am far ahead of my initial investment! If you decide to join contact me for my link or it's on my home page on my web site! But I would recommend this to anyone! But beware others have come and gone in the past, I'm being honest! tdemex
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
15 Jan 10
I never invested that much money on HYIP before, and I truly have no idea on those investnment. You might have to chat to Genius fund representative online, and discuss these matters with them. For me, I would take out only $10 to test the water. I won't do that with $100 investment, that is too much for me.
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
That's why invest what you can afford to loss. Also all hyip fund are good payer in first few months of its live. My suggestion try to invest 10 dollars in hyip. Choose 5 sites that you like and have a minimum deposit of one or two dollars. Then invest in that 5 sites. The good strategy in hyip is hit and run. But I prefer hit and take the interest. I deposit then take my interest good hyip has ROI of 100 days. Either you do that by compounding its your choice. But see to it that you reach ROI before 100 days. .. Now question rung in your head. How about genius? They only pays interest during working days. So definitely the 100 days rules of ROI is not effective. Is it? You can still get ROI in genius in 100 calendar days. and still get your income after 150 working days. Sound to be true? here is the tip. Compound the interest 100% for 65 calendar days. Then in the 66th day don't compound it try to get the interest until you reach the 100 calendar days. At that time you are sure of your ROI just from the interest that you get. And in the 101th day chance it back again to 100% compounded and wait for the 150 business day. And then sell your shares. And try to invest agad. Start from the start. Don't invest more.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I am just wondering how you are doing now because it already is past Jan 5. How are you doing with your funds now. I hope you were able to get the funds already or have continued to invest it with them. I think the program is doing good and mine will mature on April and in Ausgust this year that is why I am pretty anxious what will happen since my due date is still far from becoming available for sale.
@pierone (1894)
• Italy
7 Dec 09
Hello. I'm thinking on invest a small amount on geniusfund, but still don't have enough money in my alertpay account, so till now not invested yet. Anyway, when I checked the site, I guess they were talking about "business" days and not "calendar" days. Probably this is the reason why your funds are not available yet. On the high risk investment market I guess that Genius fund is one of the most trustable. Keeping in mind that in this market a site is trustable till when it will disappears;) Let us knows if you can cash your money back on jan 5th, it will help lot of us in deciding to start the investment;) Thanks for share your experience. Happy earnings to all of us;)
@rolento (227)
• Spain
6 Dec 09
i think that it is because it's 150 business days so weekends doesn't count
• United States
6 Dec 09
ahhhhhhhh now it makes sense lol business days... wow i never thought of that before, makes perfect sense now.. lol thanks guys
@amripaarz (106)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 10
Hi, Then what happened to ur investment? have u withdraw ur profits already. BCZ 2day is 17th of feb 2010. I am also thinking to invest in genius fund. Can u share ur experience and ideas?
@jeiay41 (674)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I don't do investment because most of them will be gone in a few months. I suggest stick to the legit investments. To get you started go to a bank site and seek for those company who wants investors to invest money from there sites. If have a kinda money to build a business this is more positive income rather than putting your money to companies.