Astrobux was back

December 6, 2009 10:43pm CST
hi friends, astrobux was back, but, my account was not logged in, everytime i was saying that wrong combination of username and password, i have checked everything, but there is no use. my friend told me to wait for 4 days, and check again.. could anybody help me for this.. thankyou in advance...
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4 responses
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
7 Dec 09
I am not a member in Astrobux site. Is it good site? Why not send a referral link to me? I am jobless at home. If you can suggest any online job opportunity, I will be grateful to you.
• India
8 Dec 09
hi aunty, sure sure, i have so many legit sites, definitly i will send it to you, please join in that. have a good day.
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
7 Dec 09
Hi neelima I am not a member of astrobux,so I can't be of much use to you. But definitely I will find out with my friends, who are members of astrobux and let you know as and when i will come to know of it
• India
7 Dec 09
hi vathsala aunty,hope it will come back soon.. thankyou for your support and for response, have a good day.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
7 Dec 09
hi neelimaravi, iam also new to this site,first i have to try to this site,have you earned any thing in this site,what we have to do in the site for getting money,how much you have earned in this site,i think your avatar is your kids photo,she is very cute,have a nice day
• India
7 Dec 09
hi yugasini, oh, i have not earned much, still, the feeling that i missed one site.. yeah, your'e right, she is my daughter..thankyou for your response, have a good day.
• Philippines
7 Dec 09
yeah i have visited the site but i can't input any letters on their log in blank page. so i think i have to wait more..
• India
7 Dec 09
hi, vhinzstrife, yeah, we will wait for so time, catch them back. thankyou for your information, have a good day.