why do you read,anyway?just for fun or anything else...

By Ami
@ami2007 (221)
December 12, 2009 7:27am CST
well, i wonder why some people can keep reading a lifetime habit.where this perseverence comes from? i do read once in a while,mainly for fun,i admit.if i find nothing fasinating about the book,it would be considerably hard for me to keep on any more.in short ,i am a person who read just for interest. how about you?can you read any book when necessary?
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3 responses
@pp_earn (210)
• India
12 Dec 09
I also read for fun.Besides, it gives us knowledge too.Reading improves vocabulary as well as it is a good method of passing time. Nowadays, I have started reading good moral stories which teaches us many things of life, in life. I like reading and reading is my hobby but I cannot read any book on any topic if given, it should be of my interest.
@dodo19 (47235)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
12 Dec 09
There are quite a few reasons as to why I read. I read books and such for my own pleasure, for interest, for knowledge, information, just to name a few reasons. These are some of my reasons for reading. We all have our reasons for reading or for not reading, depending on which one it is.
• India
12 Dec 09
I am little selfish, read only that help gaining me something, help me to create presence, Improve my skills, I think a one word answer is "Interest", otherwise I write my own articles on any topic based on my thinking.