Do You Class Yourself As English Or British?

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
December 13, 2009 9:47am CST
This question applies to the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish contingent as well. Personally, whenever I fill in a job application form I always put British but some English people get a bit "jumpy" if there is no "English" option on the list. Whether that applies to the Scottish, Welsh and Irish too I've no idea, please let me know. I tell you what does wind me up on here though...showing a Union Jack and it has "England" written underneath it. Either have an English cross of St George - which is the England flag - or have United Kingdom written underneath the flag that is there now, because that is what the flag represents. I realise this is a US-based website but if the US flag was messed with many people would be rather unhappy about it.
1 response
13 Dec 09
I class myself as white british;1. Because i like the welsh,scotts and irish and i consider them the same as us. 2. A lot of people who say they are British arn't actually "british" are they thank to this usless government letting every Tom, Dave and Mohamed into the country. I also hate the idea of being europien! I'm not Europien, I'm not French, German or Polish i'm f**king British and pround of it!