A Virus Attack from Mylot..!!

December 13, 2009 12:03pm CST
Hello Friends,Its a needy discussion I have to share with you that is "Is Mylot a Virus Free Site"?The Reason i'm asking this because recently Using Mylot my computer gets stucked with Virus as I have shutted down my Antivirus Internet Protection which makes my computer vulnerable with viruses and system then gets Hang. This is Really a Frustated moment for me because I was near to complete my one Discriptive Discussion in mylot and Suddenly Ends up and my System Gots Hang which took a lot from me to does all formating and reinstalling XP which unlikely Destroys my many Data too. So Is Mylot a Virusfree site or it has happen with you too of this crap Virus Attack from Mylot?
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8 responses
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
I have about 7000 posted in here and I have not encountered being infected by a virus of some kind. I am thinking that virus from the net is anywhere from the net and Mylot would not be immune from it. That is why there is a need to make your AV always on the watch. While browsing the net for these rogue viruses that prowls the net.
• United States
14 Dec 09
Wow I have never heard anyone on mylot getting a virus before I know I have not gotten any viruses from this site. But I always thought that Mylot was a virus free forum guess I was wrong they should pay you a bonus for getting a virus lol at least ten dollars if they did give you a virus on your computer.
• United States
14 Dec 09
I had a problem with a pop up under mozilla firefox, it continued to pop up every time I would hit the post response button. My response would post but it wold continue to kick the window closed and I wouldn't be able to open it back up. I decided to try it under Internet Explorer and I haven't had that problem since. I am normally more fond with firefox but for some reason as of late internet explorer has been working better for me. I have never had a problem with mylot before so I am guessing that it was more with my computer but I have been hearing of more people having similar problems so there may be a quirk with mylot. If the problem continues i would advise contacting mylot and letting them know what is going on.
@mawong79 (215)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 09
Im not sure where the virus come form. Sometime, Im also having problem where I nearly complete my discussion in mylot and my computer suddenly hang. It's quite frustated moment for me also if the problem came few times. I hope it is not a virus attack form mylot. happy mylotting!
• China
14 Dec 09
i have not found it. and my computer have no antivirus, i don't warry it
@nemrac12 (388)
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
hi . i guess its not only on Mylot website there is virus... It is in tne internet itself.. Millions are using internet.. That is why anti-virus was invented to protect computers from any form of viruses. The virus that invade your pc is very harmful, maybe you should upgrade more your anti-virus...I already encounter the same problem ...
• United States
14 Dec 09
No problems or viruses here nor have I had any software warnings about MyLot.
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
i really don't know 'bout that but there could be a possibility that mylot is not virus free. i also suggest visiting the siteadvisor. and if that doesn't work, try checking your computer. maybe the problem is in the system. good luck!