What kind of characters do you dislike in people?

@cuterose (1698)
December 15, 2009 10:04pm CST
And what kind of characters do you like?
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5 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
16 Dec 09
I just cannot like and tend to keep my distance away from stupid,selfish,bragging,and vulgarly displaying the opulence people. I like witty, smart, world wise and pleasant mannered people.
@cuterose (1698)
• India
15 Apr 10
Ya i also dislike people who are speaking vulgarly
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
18 Dec 09
I would have to say dishonesty I just dont' like people who lie
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I think you mean characteristics. I dislike bigotry, poor conversational skills, and people who have never heard of a book in their lives as well as your standard exclusionary list. For example, murderers, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, etc.
@omiami (412)
• Malta
17 Dec 09
I dislike people who are arrogant,selfish and cruel to others. On the other hand I like many types of characters as long as the person is gentle, kind and helpful, I like them. I know that a person has good and bad sides. We arent perfect right?! But at least the person shouldnt have characteristics such as being selfish,cruel and arrogant.
• India
16 Dec 09
The People like Greedy and Sticky nature I hate to watch and even stand with them. I Like those people who are soft,kind hearted and gives respect to others.Remind you I am among these Quality Guy.