Are you homesick if you don't go back to home for a long time?

@yinmm007 (605)
December 20, 2009 8:35pm CST
I am a graduate student in an university which is far away from my home.I only can go back to home in winter and summer vacation every year.I spend no more than two monthes at my home while more than ten months of every year in my university.I usually miss my parents at the end of every term .When i see the round moon in sky i would remeber fondly my family more. What about you ?Have you ever haven the same feeling with me?Share your feeling with us.
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16 responses
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
well, dear friends feeling homesick is just normal to everyone specially if they are away from home. you have to save some photos and video clips outing / activities of your family so that everytime you start feeling homesick you can just view their faces and reaction and as if they are just there where you are.
• China
22 Dec 09
yeah and i think most people are homesick,and want to see parents everyday,but as we grow up,it is very hard for us to stay with parents and very less time to share together, i am a homesick too,i call my mom everyday and tell her everything about me. and now i work in another city,just go back half a year, so ithink if you miss the parents and you can call them everyday or when you have free time,you can go home to visit them.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
21 Dec 09
The only time in my life I was ever homesick was in the 2nd grade when I went to Camp Fire Girls camp. It was rainy, muddy, and mosquitoes chewed me to pieces, and I just couldn't take it. As a teen, I went to camp many times and never had a problem. At college I only went home very rarely, because I was so involved with the people and activities at school. Believe me, it's far worse when it's your own children who are living home. Mine have had their own homes for several years now, and I still miss them. That's homesickness for the home we all once had!
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I've studied and lived far from home for a while; I also tried to move out, and was living away from home for about 2 years. Though I'd be hard-pressed to admit it, I guess I did miss home. Nothing compares to your own room, your own kitchen, your own couch.. It's different when you're renting, and you have the feeling that this is all too temporary. There were a lot of conveniences that I missed: my dad's tools, all the appliances my parents have, and my mom's taste in furniture. Most of all, despite the occasional madness that marks family, I realized that I missed my folks, after all. :) So yeah, I guess staying away from home for a long time makes for a good dose of homesickness. :)
@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Dec 09
I lived in the dorm when I studied in the college. Usually I would go home in the weekends. I felt a little homesick as it was much more comfortable to live at home than in the dorm. But it was a way to be independent. When I was home, my parents were very glad and cooked delicious food for me. I didn't have to do anything:) They are very nice. I love China
@kathy714 (128)
• China
22 Dec 09
Yes. I am homesick if I am away from home for long time. I am working in another city now and I can only go back home once every year. I miss my friends and my family members.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
21 Dec 09
I am not a very home sick person. I am going home for Christmas after 6 months. So,now I feel that I haven't seen my family for a long time. I have seen many homesick persons who worry very much. So, I don't think I should call my homesickness with that name. I came out of home only when I got job. So, I enjoyed staying in a different city observing the culture of as different community and taking part in their celebrations. I also enjoyed trying various dishes and comparing it with the dishes of my state. But, at the same time I have seen people crying everyday being away from home.
• China
21 Dec 09
so you are still better than me since i even can't go back once every year after i get the job on another city which is far a way from my home town. that need around 15 hours train travel go home and under the crowded travelers on the spring festival when i have longer holiday to back home.
@buping (952)
• China
21 Dec 09
hi yinnmm, it is a good subject i think. i have not come back home nearly one year, and i am not homesick, i am a girl, and i used to be a girl very depend on my parents, but the city where i spent college life is far away from where i live, the first year i come to university was so tough to me, i found hard to fall asleep at night, for i missed my mom so much, after a long time, i found everything is ok when i used my new life.
• United States
21 Dec 09
I moved from Rhode Island to California in September for a job that never happened and it was very hard to leave my friends and family. I thought I was coming out here for a great reason but that didn't turn out the way it was suppose too. I was suppose to go home for Christmas but a flight is way too expensive around this time of year and than I would have had to stay in a hotel since supposedly nobody has room, nice huh? I was very homesick when I first came out here, it was insane, and I still am from time to time, more or less when I talk to my mom or I read a letter she's written too me than it hits me because she's my best friend and I miss her so much. It's tough to be away from home but sometimes you have to do what you have to do and all you can think about is that you'll be back to visit in the near future and just to keep in contact with them on a regular basis.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Yes I always experience that even if I wasn't able to go home for one day because I will miss my son a lot. And there's no place like home it is always comfortable in our own house no matter how small it is. I can always have a house help who can help me do the household chores. Rather than staying alone away from home doing all the chores & missing my family back home. Its sad but I am okay with it.
• Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
21 Dec 09
I aslo have this feelings.when i was young,my parents went far way from home.they have to do it for money.from then on,i cannot see,i live in school,and i am so lonly.i desir to go home.
@terrile (97)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I feel the same way. It doesn't matter how old you are either. I am looking at 40. I have only been able to spend 14 days at 'home' in the last year and a half. It's been a big adjustment since I used to live very near all of my family. I think I have more appreciation for my family now that I am so far away from them, but I think I would rather be right there and appreciate them less. :)
@myramae19 (667)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
hi yin! I have'nt go home for 2 years, i missed my family especially my mom..I always wanted to go back home where i grew up , but my husband does'nt allow me, we fought for how many times..I just can't understand why he act this way. as for you, since you're a student u must endure it until you finish school, as of now just concentrate in your studies. try to find for a second family, maybe your friends or's good to have a second family to lessen the sadness. :) merry christmas!
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
I have also studied far away from home. I would always miss my parents and siblings. I could only visit them once a year during Christmas and New Year vacation. Every time I missed them, I just told myself that I have to endure everything for the good future of myself and my family.
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
When you plan for a vacation, or go for a trip, for whatever purpose, there is always a feeling of excitement. While you are there, you try to make the most of it by enjoying the place, and the culture. It is always a learning experience to visit other places. But I admit, there will also be a time when you can get tired and just want to go home. You will be missing your own bed, your pets, your daily routine which you are accustomed to. Most of all, your parents, especially if you are a closely-knit family. There is definitely nothing wrong with that. It is a normal feeling. Just like when you miss that someone you love. But it will pass. If you are a student, just try to concentrate on your studies, and think to yourself, that when you graduate, you can always go back home and stay. The important thing is that you accomplish the purpose of your being far away. Nothing is permanent in this world except change.