Do you believe the weather forecast on TV ,newspaper and internet?

@yinmm007 (605)
December 21, 2009 11:34pm CST
When i was in my hometown i was used to watch the weather forecast on TV every evening.And at that time the weather reports was accurate.But now the weather report is inaccurate after i came here the site of my university. For example the report said today is sunny and warm.But it's cloudy and cold now. I have no idea about why the report's accuracy is different between different place. Have you ever got the same problem?Share your experience with us.Thank you.
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2 responses
@cobradene (1171)
• India
22 Dec 09
I hardly ever follow the weather forecast... Ha ha.. As of now, I know that it's monsoon time, and it could rain any time. So, I never read the weather forecast and on top of that it's never accurate. Scientists say that over the Indian sub-continent it's too difficult to predict the weather forecast, because the atmospheric pressure keeps changing very rapidly and it's not the same over a couple of hours or something. I couldn't understand what it was about, but the Indian weather forecast is never accurate.
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
22 Dec 09
Though the forecast is not accurate scientist have to give the reports as they live on the wages as an reporter.Haha,Wish everything goes on well on you.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Dec 09
I don't always believe the weather forecast on TV, newspaper and internet. But it is still my reference. For example, if it says it will have a rain but I don't see the rain when I go out, then I won't bring the umbrella. I love China
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
22 Dec 09
Haha.your forecast is contrary to the fact.Thank you for your answers.And have a good night.