Do you chat with your friends regularly

chatting - do you chat regularly
December 22, 2009 2:59am CST
hi friends, how are you everybody,well, i chat with my friends regulary, when i switchon the system and open my mail account atleast one friend will be appear in that, i love chatting with my friends, and share our views with eachother. how about you friends, do your chat with your friends regularly..please putup your feelings. thankyou, have a nice day.
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25 responses
@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
22 Dec 09
Hi Neelima.. I do chat with my friends regularly when I am online.. sometimes If I am busy with work then its difficult for me to chat with friends and if I am on leave also its not possible.. But I make a point to chat with friends whenever I am free.. I have many good friends to chat with whom I share my happiness and sorrows too.. Happy myloting..
1 person likes this
• India
28 Dec 09
hi chaitra, how are you, yeah, when you are busy with work you cannot chat with friends, actually main preference is the job next friends, keep it up, thankyou for your response, have a nice day.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Dec 09
Hi Neelima! I used to chat a lot when I started off with internet. But now, I hardly get time to chat. I would rather email or text - that's more easier for me. Some of my friends keep complaining and I understand this. They love me very much but I wish i could have more time.
• India
28 Dec 09
hi mimpi, wow, then you got a good friends right, yeah, when we should touch with those friends who loves us. thankyou for your response, have a nice day.
@rmoiselle (185)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I only do if it's important or when I have nothing to do. Besides, the people whom I see online might be working with something else or doing their jobs so I don't bug them. I only do if they chat at me first so I reply to them . I rarely go available in my status though. I'm most of the time using the invisible mode. Other people doesn't know how to put busy on their status. I suggest using it if you are just expecting to at l wasn't one or two people. Besides, what's the purpose of logging in if not for chatting.
• India
22 Dec 09
hi rmoiselle, yeah, you're right, we should not disturb others,even me the same attitude, thankyou for your response, have a nice day.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Dec 09
Hi Neelima, How are you? Hope you are doing well. Since I am in office, it is not possible for me to chat with friends regularly. If I am free then definitely I will be online and if any of my friends are online then I may chat with them. I too love to listen them and share some time with them. I have nice friends and if I am not online then they may send mails to me and ask about my well being.
• India
28 Dec 09
hi sree, yeah, fine, thanks dear, yeah, in office you will be busy with your work so, you can't even spend with chatting, actually that's good, if we start chatting with friends, we cannot stop and our work will be pending, yeah, better send emails. thanks for your response, have a nice day.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Dec 09
As far as online chatting, it has actually been about a year since I've used an instant messenger. I used to talk with one of my friends online almost every single day, but then I had to take off my instant messenger from our computer because it was acting funny. So, I haven't been able to chat online for quite a while. I do, occasionally, however use the facebook chat feature occasionally to talk to a couple of my friends.
@JAG2009 (266)
• India
28 Dec 09
Although chatting is now considered outdated becoz of twitter and live updates on sites like FB, it is still a great way to keep in touch. E-mailing seems to have become a thing of the past! I can't believe that even as I write(type) this, but it's true.Especially with young people and teens, the idea of even emailing is 'ancient.' Chatting is great and I do that a lot with friends and family. It's an easy way to quickly catch up on what's happening with them or how their day went/is going. The only downside is that they may not be free or in a chatty mood when you are; so I guess that's where 'chattiquette' comes in handy! Still, the ability to 'chat' online is a blessing, and one that I am truly grateful for.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
23 Dec 09
I do chat with my friends regularly and they are online most of the times. And, one of my most common online friend of 7 years, whom I have never met in person, is from the Philippines. We have been chatting with each other regularly now for a very long time, and our friendship is just cool and fine. I hope this one doesn't end though, as all my friendships in life have been short-lived. They either move out somewhere else or we end up with some differences and stop contacting each other.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
24 Dec 09
hi neelima, i have found this discussion in your profile,i wish to see your daughter closely then i have gone to your profile then watched your daughter photo also ,she is ok and cute,regarding chatting,i have done more one month discontinues chatting,but i does not have any chatting friend,but in mylot i have lot of friends,i found there is good mentality in mylot friends,so i say thanks to mylot and all its members,allowed me as member and friends respectively,have a nice day
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Dec 09
Aside from here on MyLot I don’t spend a lot of time chatting online with friends because I have more important things to do on the computer, like MyLot (LOL)! I see my friends in the ‘real word’ all the time anyway so I don’t really bother to get in touch with them online unless it is someone from overseas like my cousins or my aunty who live in Italy.
• China
22 Dec 09
also chat with friends regularly through the phone call or through the online chat software. most of my friends can open the chat software a whole day so we can chat so easily as we like.but sometimes we are not free to talk by the work so only weekends maybe available.
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
22 Dec 09
Hi neelima I chat with my friends regularly say every day. Since I have got lots of friends, atleast two of them will be online anytime. i love my friends and like to chat with them or call them over phone
• India
22 Dec 09
Hi neelima, When ever i am online and find friends if i am free then i would chat with my friends regularly or else If i am busy with some work then i will not chat with them. But some of the times when i see my friends online definetly atleast for sometime i will chat with them even if i am bit busy also. Have a great day.
@mawong79 (215)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
Well, I will online everyday but not chating with my friends regulary. Im only will chat with friend where there is important thing or something to share or get opinions from them.
@senzzz (25)
22 Dec 09
Everyday when i connect to the internet, the first thing that i do is open my chatting program (ym). Chatting with my friends is very important to me, because we can sharing each other. Not only chat with my friends, but also other people that i dont know before, so with chatting i can get more friends in internet.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
22 Dec 09
Some persons are particular that they should not be disturbed when they are on internet. They will say, as it is I find little time. If some one comes for chatting, my time gets wasted. So I am careful not to disturb anyone while they are in internet.
@justszack (333)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 09
yess, i chat with my friend everyday we talk about anything
@checkmail (2039)
• India
22 Dec 09
Hello neelimaravi this is checkmail and me too often do chat with mine some friends regularly online.Actually this are my friends who like me are online for some info, surfign and earning purpose.And whenever anyone of us get any info about anything would share it among us.Even had joined some sites for my friends, even they had joined some site on my recommendation.Its fun to chat with friends online, while earning on the net.Means i do chat but in the sideline, like doing two stuffs at a time.I enjoy sharing my views and knowledge with them as well as they too enjoy mine company.Its an good source of communication and enetertaintment, better than emails.Happy mylotting.
@kevinll (967)
• China
22 Dec 09
When i can meet them on internet i often talk with them, sometimes i can not find them for a long time, but i like to keep regular relationship with them.
@umer5222 (724)
• Cyprus
22 Dec 09
I do chat with my friend regularly, i made lot of international friends and i like to chat with them. lol
• India
22 Dec 09
hi,i never chat with my friends regularly,because its irritates me.i love chatting with my friends but not regularly.