What kind of food that you're excited to eat this Christmas?

food! food! food! - yummy foods...
@simonelee (2715)
December 22, 2009 7:23am CST
Few more days to go and its Christmas. Aside from celebrating the birth of Jesus I am also excited to eat delicious foods that my mom's going to prepare. I am excited to eat prawns, ham and macaroni salad. These foods are one of my favourites and I've been craving these for months. I wish my mom will also cook crabs.Yummy! How about you guys? What type of food that you're excited to eat? Did you request something? did you asked for your favourite foods to be serve this Christmas?
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24 responses
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
23 Dec 09
garlic bread:) turkey, xmas ham and all the usual christmas stuff. I'm looking forward to brandy snaps for dessert too.
• United Kingdom
23 Dec 09
This is quite funny and may sound a little weird to some people but at Christmas I don't normally tend to go for a full blown turkey lunch! This Christmas I'm having spaghetti bolognese, it's going to be huge! I guess I don't bother that much considering I live alone, I have a good friend that comes over, there's no one in the way of family. For families though I guess it's important to make that effort to have a proper Christmas meal. I've never been able to have the Christmas pudding due to the fear of nut content, I'm allergic to nuts you see! I guess this time of year is the time to indulge in something different and no doubt there will be plenty of munchies! Andrew
@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
23 Dec 09
I am hoping that this year, I'll get to have a great turkey roast. This is one dish I seldom take the rest of the year. Here's to wish everyone, a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2010. Joy to all always.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
hello simonelee! wow! those were really yummy foods! hmmm! although i am not into celebrating christmas... but still i am looking forward on the foods available during this season... i am looking forward to ham and those different salads! haha my mom don't cook anything for christmas eve but i go to my aunt's house to try their dishes! haha i like the morcon and embutido that my aunt cooks... and another food that i like during this season that is widely available in my place in calamba is the 'goto or arroz caldo', puto bungbong & the special bibingka! hmmm there's one stall there that really cooks those foods well...haha have a wonderful christmas and hope you enjoy your foods! by the way, i alos love prawns & crabs!
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I am looking forward to eat lots of sweets.I am looking forward to eat lots of cakes and pastries.I am also looking forward to eat a lot of pasta.I love sweets and pasta.yum!I'll be cooking seafood pasta for Christmas.
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
What I am excited about is the tiramisu that my daughter is gonna prepare. Also, I might be getting lechon coz I really miss this.
@vivrenpar (593)
• Canada
23 Dec 09
I like desserts. Sometimes I make them myself. I also like all the sweet stuff I get in my stocking. I just want a bunch of junk food. That usually makes me happy.
@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Everyone in the family voted against the turkey so we're not having that this year which isn't too bad since no one eats it any way. This year, my siblings and I had a heated debate on what we wanted to eat for Christmas. Everyone wanted something different. So after a while we finally came to a compromise. We opted to go with eating a hot pot this year. It would be perfect since the weather is so cold and chilly outside, something like this is ideal for this weather. Anyways, we're going to use this chili paste and throw things like beef, various seafood, vegetables, and rice noodles in there. The best part is that we get to choose what we want to throw in the pot. I'm really looking forward to this because it's been a while since I've eaten hot pot. Besides that there's also honey ham, fried rice and egg rolls to look forward too. There's going to be a lot of good food this year. I actually can't wait.
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I am very excited to eat crabs, shrimps and puto bongbong this Christmas because it's been a while that I didn't eat this kind of foods, because shrimps and crabs are very expensive in the city while puto bongbong is rare to find. I can only eat these sumptuous foods every time I return home and during Christmas.
• China
23 Dec 09
i do not have much requirement about the food but i wish i can have the dinner together with my family and we cooking together then sit around the dinner table and chat and greeting each other together with eating. that would be the most funny thing to me.
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I like to eat cheesecake with different topping and all kinds of sweet desserts which very delicious and of course relleno, lechon, embotido, morcon and servings of fruit salad and other fresh fruits...
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I am looking forward to eating ham and mashed potatoes and gravy and of course the dessert pumpkin pie with whip cream. The pie is my favorite during the holidays.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
23 Dec 09
I like to eat some special egg tarts and lemon tarts we make. They do take a lot of effort to make them the day before. But the family is really happy that we made them. I also like to have turkey with some potato salad too. It only happens once a year why not enjoy yourself.
• United States
23 Dec 09
My family is going to be having Prime Rib, mashed potato, string beans, corn, a salad, and rolls for dinner. For desert we will have chocolate cake with white frosting and white cake with chocolate frosting, Boston cream pie, and apple pie with ice cream. And lucky me I'm on a diet! (maybe I'll have to cheat for this meal!)
• United States
22 Dec 09
turkey,i love turkey. as much as i try to be meatless,i make an exception for that.i like it too much. i do the cooking,so i can make whatever i ike :)
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
22 Dec 09
There is only one thing I'm craving at this time and that is my poppy seed roll that I will be making on Wednesday or Thursday. Everyone goes crazy for this. However, I will only be able to make two rolls instead of 4 or 6 because I could only find 2 cans of poppy seed filling at the store.
• Canada
22 Dec 09
I'm excited about spending Christmas with my friends and my goddaughter. I assume it's a traditional turkey dinner but I did request one thing for my birthday after Christmas. My friend is going to be making her famous fudge for me which I'm excited about. I'm not real happy about not celebrating my birthday ( we'll be on the road then) from celebrating with my husband's parents. Well it's probably for the best I'm not excited about turning 40
@bluray (408)
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
I have planned to eat different types of cookies on this Christmas. I have also planned to have a great dinner comprising of variety of desserts and cakes. i like to have vegetarian food so i will stick to eat only vegetarian food.
• Australia
23 Dec 09
I am an aussie living in japan, so as you can probably imagine, it is difficult for me to get hold of all of the ingredients to make the foods that I love eating at christmas. That being said, I am still able to get hold of a whole chicken, that I roast in the oven with some baked potatoes, pumpkin, and gravy. YUM! It's the only roast that I eat in the whole year, so I enjoy it immensely.
@davissiu (90)
• United States
22 Dec 09
There are so many foods that i'd like to eat this Christmas, just too much to list them. And i haven't plan where to go yet. Macaroni salad sounds good to me also. Do you guys ever want to make yourself a rich Christmas meal?