Describe your most memorable experience for 2009?

@audrey7 (232)
December 22, 2009 8:46am CST
We all have had various experiences this year. Which is your most memorable? Why do you say so? Could you share it and include the lessons learnt?
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5 responses
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
26 Jan 10
I would say my most memorable experience was meeting a wonderful young lady who I really connceted with .I must say that it did not last but it was a lovely period n my life .I still look back at it with a lot of joy in my heart .I think for the first time I felt as if there was hope for my ove life ,I wished it had worked because I would have been happy now if it had continued as it started
• China
22 Dec 09
My most memorable thing is that I quite my job because I can't suffer its long work time and low wage,so now I want to be a boss,work for myself.
• India
22 Dec 09
i will describe the most memorable day of my life when i met my friend Nisu(her nick name). i got attracted towards her and could not stop to talk her. currently we talk a lot and hope our relation could get mature and could stay in relation for ever in life. i started liking her too much now a days.
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
22 Dec 09
My most memorable experience happened just over a week ago. We missed our ferry back home to Spain from the UK, and left a week later than planned. There was a wildlife officer on board, who gave a talk about the whales and dolphins in the Bay of Biscay and how to spot them. Immediately after the talk, we went to the observation lounge, and shortly after our arrival we saw dolphins playing alongside the ship. I've never seen dolphins in the wild before, and it's something I'll remember forever. The lessons learned? Every cloud has a silver lining, and you can always learn something new. If we'd havecaught the original ferry, although it took the same route, I would probably not have spotted the dolphins, as I didn't know the signs to look for.
• United States
22 Dec 09
My second son was born on March 29, 2009! It was a very memorable experience for me. He was a fairly easy childbirth, however it was not without some drama. I amazed myself with my first birth and the second was more memorable because I was not as concerned with things as I was with the first. I was able to understand the birthing process more this time around. I have enjoyed watching my children grow over this past year very much. I think children are remarkable and that being a parent is totally amazing.