Only over 1 hour left for double earnings!Your most interesting discussions?

@Emvy548 (387)
December 22, 2009 11:05pm CST
Recount your most interesting discussions for Dec 22 whether you initiated it or participated in it. I posted 3 interesting discussions - "Which is the most comfortable sleeping position?", "Which (dog)breeds do you recommend?" and "Putting up pictures of little kids on profiles" out of which the first one on sleeping positions is still running hot! If you have not posted your responses please rush there and participate! Also come back here and put down your most interesting discussion before the clock strikes 12(US time)!
1 response
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 09
I don't really understand about this special offer from mylot because the alert didn't tell about the timezone which mylot use for this double earnings program. But i think mylot is using US timezone since mylot is based on US, as i think. I don't have any interesting discussion when i want to make a discussion or commenting on other's discussion because i usually choosing a discussion topic from the details and the information inside it. So i will attracting with a discussion if the discussion is really interesting for me. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
@Emvy548 (387)
• India
23 Dec 09
Yes I think two things MyLot could have done to have even more happy members would be 1 - to have specified the time zone when the alert said Dec 22, considering the fact that a large number of members are outside the US and 2 - to have set up an alert a few days before Dec 22 so that more people could have benfitted from the double earning offer. Thanks and you too have a nice day and happy mylotting!