Spending Money From Mylot

December 23, 2009 11:29pm CST
Many users have got their payment from myLot right? Have you get paid? My earnings now is only $0.65..I think after I reach $11.50, I want to use the money to buy a book. How about you?
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11 responses
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
24 Dec 09
I have been paid twice from mylot. They are sitting pretty on my paypal account. I have not done anything with them. I am currently accumulating the money and will later think of doing something with it. It is good to use the money for things like books. It is an excellent option to spend the money for. Books are very important and it is nice that you can pay for it just by participating here in mylot. Have a nice day.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
24 Dec 09
I have more than 20$. One payment was of 12$ and another was for 11$. So it is a little over 23$. Do you need tips to improve earning in mylot?
• Malaysia
24 Dec 09
Can you give me some tips so I can earn more? Thanks friend :)
• Malaysia
24 Dec 09
So your PayPal account has $20 ? Give me some tips to earn more! Happy New Year!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
24 Dec 09
I used my previous payouts to buy things and to pay some bills. I am going to try and save my money this year and see how much I can save. Maybe then I can get me a big item after saving money from all sites that I earn from I may be able to get $400.. :-)
• Malaysia
24 Dec 09
You can get $400 ?? That's a big number! Give me $5 ! :)
• Malaysia
25 Dec 09
Sorry about that... Cheers!
• Malaysia
25 Dec 09
In your opinion, what is the best way to earn more money online? For, me it's hard to reach $11.50 by internet...
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
24 Dec 09
When I do make the payout, I use it through paypal to buy things online, or to buy things I want on the games like farmville or cafeworld at Facebook. It is so much easier to use and safer than putting your credit card numbers on here. Books are a good thing to always buy, I love to read and buy books.I have been paid like I think maybe 4 times on here. Some months I make payout others it takes me several, depends on what else is going on in my life at the time and how much time I get to spend on here.
• Malaysia
24 Dec 09
You have been paid 4 times? That's good. What is your tips to increase my earnings? :)
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
24 Dec 09
If I knew believe me I would tell you. I have seen others on here tell of making $60. a month and how they done it, so I try the same thing and I still get pennies a day. I found this is not a site that you do for the money. Also I think you would actualy have to spend 24 hours a day here, and I have a life other than MYLOT, for one Facebook, you know we have to tend our farms and fishtanks, lol.
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
Hi Zaharu94,Well,i've just reach my first pay out the other day.and i've plan to earn more before it widraw it in my paypal account,because i want to save it for my immediate needs.Just do your best to post quality topics and responds as much as you can.It will helps you to earn more.Good Luck,Have a nice day!
• Malaysia
24 Dec 09
Thanks for your tips! Cheers ;)
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
I'm still new here in myLot and presently happy with the progress I made in ten days. I havent get paid yet but I'm looking forward to reach the minimum payout next month. What would I do with my earnings? I would save it for the rainy days, because you never know when you needed the money for emergency. Goodluck everyone! Its fun to learn while earning.
• Malaysia
26 Dec 09
Yeah, it's fun to learn and earn! How much your earnings now? Happy posting! :)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 09
Two days, I only earned $0.62! When I get the minimum payout! I will you is to invest on NeoBux or buy something on Ebay! I love shopping on Ebay and invest on Neobux!
• Malaysia
24 Dec 09
What stuff you like to buy from eBay? Happy shopping!
• Malaysia
25 Dec 09
By taking quizzes in myLot, can I increase my earnings?
• Indonesia
24 Dec 09
Maybe I will buy CD album or a poster. Because, It's cheap! And I know I will save little money. That Money I will use to invest on NeoBux!
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Dec 09
I have got my payment many times from Mylot. As you can see I have posted a lot here. I like Mylot because it is a very honest earning website. My earning is still in the Paypal account and I will use it when I want to buy something later. As right now I don't have any special thing to buy. I love China
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I should get my first payout from my lot next month. I have been on mylot for almsot a year. I am not sure what I will buy with it but I will simply save it in my paypal account and use it with the other funds in my paypal account to purchase something with it. I use my paypal account to purches gormet foods from a certian website.
27 Dec 09
At this time my mylot earning is $0.88 that's not enough to get payment from mylot. Also i have not got payment from mylot yet. But i think, i will get my payment from mylot soon because i'm working hard here. I don't know what i will do with this money. I will post a discussion about my first payment from mylot when i will get my payment.
• India
27 Dec 09
My earning is .90$ my friend. Mine is too not enough to be transfered to my paypal account. As I earn 12$, I need it to be transvered to my paypal account and from there to my account. This is gonna be my first salary my friend. I need to buy my a gift for my beloved's birthday with my first salary my friend.
@karthi_88 (299)
• India
27 Dec 09
my earning is $0.28 :).you have earned more than me so you tell me how to earn more friend :).