I deleted one mylot friend

United States
December 24, 2009 10:19pm CST
He posted almost 2 pages in my friend's dicussions with 2 minutes intervals posts for a certain time. I need to click more pages to look for my other friends' post. It looks he own my friends lists posts. But this is not the main reasons that made me decide to delete him, it was the way he posted, majority of his post are just one line, it does not starts in capital letter, and have too many punctuation marks such as (.............................., !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ????????????????). I always it is a spam that a discussion. It makes mylot looks like no quality posts, if someone might find his post in google, etc. Sorry guys, maybe I am not in a good mood today.
2 responses
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
Really? That's not good, I'm sorry to hear that. He seems to be annoying based on your description. Did you inform him about his unacceptable behavior? You should have told him before deleting him in your friend's list.
• United States
25 Dec 09
That's my mistake. I was carried away by my emotions. Too late to realize. Thanks Maria and Merry Christmas.
@Zaharul94 (100)
• Malaysia
25 Dec 09
What is the user's name? This can't be good..
• United States
25 Dec 09
I already forgot his username, it looks like a combination of a names and adjectives, if I am not mistaken. You can easily notice him if you are one of his friend. Most of his posts have no replies.