How can I increase my capacity for wine?

@yinmm007 (605)
December 24, 2009 10:47pm CST
As a man I often have to drink wine when I eat out with my friends.But I am only a little drinker.If i drink more than one bottle of beer i will be unstopable to vomit.But as a man I shouldn't say i cann't so I usually drunk and vomited after drinked.That's feel bad. I hope i have great capacity for wine like others and never drunk and vomited again.My friends can you tell me how to increase my capacity for wine?Merry christmas.
1 response
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
25 Dec 09
I think as with most things, practice makes perfect. You could keep drinking until you become more practiced at it. Just don't drink too much.