Which sports do you prefer?

@yinmm007 (605)
December 26, 2009 8:56pm CST
In order to keep healthy we have to do exercise.I love to play football everyweek.Footbll game is good for my healthy while i can be more stronger and more flexible through this sports.It's also a good method to forget sorrow instead of drinking lots alcohol. What about you my friends?Which sports do you prefer?Share with us.
11 responses
@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I like sports related to racing, like car racing, drag racing, motorcycle racing, motocross, and also marathon. Racing is very meaningful to me. It is the mirror of our real life. Life is a race. The accumulation of wealth and net worth. And life is not a race also. It's a marathon.
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
27 Dec 09
I love to play NEED FOR SPEED on my computer. I wish i could get my own sports car and drive it on highway.I think that will be very cool.Haha, just my dream.
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
I also love playing NFS. I imagine myself as the star in the movie Too Fast Too Furious!
@vince06 (98)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
for me i would play basketball since its my ultimate dream to be a hardcourt star since i was 7 yrs old.. i already played basketball and starting to join some competition..actually when i graduated high school and elementary i was recognize by our school as the basketball MVP..that's why i will forever love this sports.
• Philippines
5 Jan 10
well i know that your not weak joanna you just need to practice playing basketball and eventually you will be more into it..i never thought that you like to play basketball coz your a girl..but if you like to learn more about this sports its my pleasure to teach you how..
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I play badminton once in awhile and that is the only sport that I really do enjoy. haha! Before I played volleyball and basketball both are my favorite sport in college days and that is my P.E....hehe!
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
27 Dec 09
I play badminton too sometimes with my classmates.I love this game too.
@ToughTate (143)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I enjoy lifting weights, playing hacky sack, stretching with some yoga, and swimming. I don't really like team sports just because I enjoy doing all the work and getting all the benefits.
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
27 Dec 09
Haha,you do lots exercises.Team sports have more interesting than single sports in my opinion.Both team and single sports can give us happy and health.You can have a try to play some team sports.Thank you for your participation.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
From what I remember, I am not good at anything and didn't have a motivation to train coz it seems that I am not into sports. One day I got no PE to choose from and Table Tennis is the only thing left. I choose it and when orientation and some basic discussion ended, I find it very interesting. I learned so fast to the extent that no one in the class could beat me exept for a former varsitarian. Obviously, I don't have a chance to beat her but I am really happy to be acknowledge as a very good player for a beginner. I was so drowned with beautiful comments that made me train more even after PE class ended for the sem but the day has come for me to stop. I find it difficult to manage academics activities together with Table Tennis. Studying is more important than anything else so I quit. It is still good to think that atleast I WAS good at one sport :D
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
27 Dec 09
Most of my friends can play tennis without me.I want to learn it but i have no suitable time to do it.Tennis is the most popular sports in China.I am very shy to say i can't.
@dreamhome (558)
• India
27 Dec 09
I love tennis..So in my leisure time, I play tennis.It keeps me more healthy and brisk..I love to play tennis during the weekends.It is one of the best way I keep myself energetic.
@yinmm007 (605)
• China
27 Dec 09
Yes, tennis is a good and famous sport.I love it too though i am unable to play tennis.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
28 Dec 09
I used to play volley ball. I can say that's my favorite sport game, for pleasure as well as for exercise. But, these days, I rarely get the chance to play those games. I do exercise at home after I get back home from work. If I get back a bit earlier, I would go out for jogging in the park. That's very relaxing and refeshing too.
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
I love swimming.I wish I could learn how to.I would love to lose weight while doing something I love.I would also love to learn capoeira.I love that it is self-defense and dance rolled into one.
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
When talking about sports I do like, then it's gonna be badminton. I think it's very appropriate for a woman like me. It is very easy to play and it's a very light sport as well. But, it can still be considered as a good form of exercise because almost all of our body parts are used in order to play this game well. This is the sport I used to play back when i was still a student but since I don't have any companion to play with me now that I am working, I also cannot play badminton nowadays. So what I sometimes do to have an exercise, I just turn on the radio and dance with the music.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
3 Jan 10
My favourite sport is definitly riding. I've had a horse for 20 years (not the same one, the one I have now is my fourth) and have competed a bit in dressage. The horse I have now is bred as a draft horse so he doesn't have a lot of dressage genes, but trying is funny. I also try to walk as much as possible, and lift weights every now and then. Never played football, but a close friend of mine is dating a professional footballplayer so I have planned that this year I should try to see at least one football match. The last one I saw was in 1998.
• India
9 Jan 10
i prefer cricket..as i love cricket.. i play cricket for a long time nd does nt get tired ..as cricket is my passion..so spoerts make us fit nd fine...