VOICE QUALITY......you have?

@deemple (191)
December 28, 2009 4:05am CST
I am very particular with voices.For me it has to match with your body built,or how you look like,then i consider it PERFECT...I have been wandering to chat rooms,listening to those who speaks on mic.Behavior is also a factor.I have heard of someone who speaks so gently,low toned,smooth & sweet...or what we call Mellifluous.I was so attracted that I did remember what room he joins.I was so curious on how he looked like.Then I make ways to befriend him.I talked on mic too.Because if you do,lots will be interested with you too.I did not entertain them.I got only one man to concentrate with.Till I succeeded of to have him as my friend.So funny he smokes a lot when i saw him and that's why he named himself "smoking....."in the room.He is a kind of guy whom you will respect,when he speaks.Big guy yet subtle.In his 60's yet good looking.I like him so much,as a friend.Have you encountered one?
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