Being a better person

United States
December 28, 2009 3:40pm CST
So one of my main life goals at the moment and for 2010 is to be a better person in general. To try and be more social and understanding. Be a better friend, more considerate and more honest. I would like your opinion. What is the one most important quality to being a good person?
3 responses
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
We need a personal relationship with the true God first. We cannot do any improvement to ourselves without a vertical relationship with Him. All our good works are filthy rags before Him if we do them for our own benefit and to get the applause of the people around us. Our Lord Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing."
• United States
29 Dec 09
Wow did we do this big space thing on purpose so people would better see your preaching. Not that I mind I do understand but....................cmon. I am kinda into the scientific aspects of creation. Like what real karma is, how we put out positive and we get positive. But again thanks for your comment.
• United States
29 Dec 09
I have not completely ruled out God and yes I have read the same thing. How the devil will try and make us believe that there is no God. And yes I do believe there is some greater force, I just haven't decided what it is and how I feel about it in my life. I have been back and forth with religion and tried learning about many religions. I am just stuck on the issue really. Yes I think the thought of a God it self will make the world a better place and people more peaceful if they follow it but I can't say if they are following something real or something in our mind, or in some peoples hearts.
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
The Bible in Psalm 14:3 says, "The fool has said, there is no God." Friend, even before some people decide not to believe in God, God has already foretold that there are people who will say He does not exist. I hope you will visit Read how science proves the existence of God. Friend, science is merely a tool that proves God's existence. Hope to hear from you.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
29 Dec 09
indeed BECOME GOOD PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT, BUT MUCH MORE IMPORTANT BECOME GOOD PEOPLE ... Did you know that mean? in a mean subjective, everyone thinks of himself as a good person. In a sense: No do cheating, no do corruption, no do thief, not beating the child, "not stab friends from behind", in short words not do anything against the law ... but how meaning good people in the eyes of many people?the most people judge one's merits based on weakness. So to be a good person, you should be able to change the weakness of your nature.
• United States
29 Dec 09
That is a very interesting perspective. Basically know that I am a good person and don't try to let my judgment rely on others judgment, that is kind of what I got from this. Is that correct?
@maezee (41996)
• United States
28 Dec 09
Generosity has always been important to me. I'm trying to be a "better" person in 2010, too. I'm starting a little early and trying to volunteer once a week with a homeless shelter/food delivery service (to the poverish). I'm pretty excited. I think any changes for the better that you want to make is a good idea.
• United States
28 Dec 09
That sounds like a very generous thing to do. I am have been glad to hear that a lot of people plan on being nicer and better people in 2010. I just hope we can all stick to it and spread the joy also. Best of luck with the volunteering. I would like to do something like this myself also. This past year was a hard year and we had to visit a food pantry ourselves. Now that things are looking better and my husband got his job back I would love to do something like this. I think I owe it to them for helping us. And I will befit from it too at the same time. It will also be a great example for my girls.