Who works for Odesk?

December 28, 2009 7:07pm CST
I have been a member of odesk since April 2009 but unfortunately I have not tried obtaining a job from odesk. One, I have not passed the odesk exam yet. Two, it seems like I can't find time to do this since I have a full time work and reaches home around 10 pm. Has anybody here worked for odesk? If so, can you share your experience how hard it is or how much you were paid by this site?
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4 responses
@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
I am just starting to explore and I think I am not yet ready for it since I am taking test still and so far I have passed a couple and failed in one. So I think I need to familiarize myself on it before I start applying for a job.
@bkpdp1 (920)
• India
10 Jan 10
You have to spend a sufficient amount of time in order to get a job at Odesk. If you will look at Odesk, you may found there is a huge competition for every job. As you are a newbie, you should take some free odesk tests and spend lots of time at odesk by knowing how it works and what are the key points to get a job there..
• India
5 Jan 10
I've joined Odesk recently too. Although I haven't completed any assignments yet, I believe there are some assignments that you can do despite your busy schedule. And the Odesk exam can be taken as many times as you want in the same day. so, keep trying and hang in there. cheers:)
• India
5 Jan 10
I've oined odesk recently but not completed any assignments yet. I think that there are some assignments on the site which you can do despite your busy schedule. so, hang in there and cheers:)