Where's the best place to buy Uggs?

@maezee (41996)
United States
December 29, 2009 6:07pm CST
And by best, I generally mean "cheapest". Macy's? Uggs.com? At Journeys? Where did YOU buy your Uggs, if you own them, how much did you buy them for, and where did you buy them? Would you suggest me doing the same?
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2 responses
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
24 Jun 10
I would also recommend Ebay. I don't own a pair myself, but my sister and one of my friends both got Uggs for amazing prices there, so I know it is possible! Just make sure the seller is okay and that you are bidding on genuine items before you place a bid, and you could be making the deal of a life time!
• United States
30 Dec 09
I personally got my Uggs from Ebay. Its not how all people want to do things, but if your looking for a good deal, its the place to be. You will pay full price at a retailer like Journeys. You can usually even find brand new ones on Ebay. I suggest searching for awhile and wait till you find the right pair. Its the right season, so there will be a ton to bid on. Good luck!