Admin for a Day: Searching!

December 31, 2009 6:01pm CST
Hello again and Happy New Year! Today's topic is all about searching! Just like the last few discussions, here's the list of topics that have already been covered so there's no need to cover them here: 1. You'd like the ability to search for interest categories. 2. You'd like the ability to search for friends. 3. You'd like the ability to do combination searches. For example, you'd like to be able to search for discussions about "friends" by the user "GoAskAlice". Aside from those... Do you use the Search feature in the upper right corner of your myLot screen? Do you get results? Do you search for tags as well as full text to find discussions on your favorite topics? How about searching for blogs, news, photos, and tasks? Have you tried searching the web here instead of going to or How were the results? What else would you like to discuss about the search bar? What else would you like to change?
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68 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 Jan 10
I haven't found the search bar very helpful. One needs to have the exact wording of the discussion title to find it. It would be nice if one could write the subject and not just the title of discussions.
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
1 Jan 10
Hi, deebomb. That is how I feel too. I would like to be able to type in any of the interests that are under the new discussion tab. If we could type it like this, then all of the discussions will appear on the pages. This makes it easier for us to find a certain topic that has the discussion to go along with it.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 Jan 10
It would also let us know if a subject has already been discussed and covered.
3 people like this
1 Jan 10
Hello everyone! deebomb, when you search do you do full text searches or just tag searches or both?
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
1 Jan 10
As far as the searching may go, I wished that we could type in the interest title and once we do that then all of the discussions for that particular discussion will come up. This is s feature that I would like to see myLot have. Some of the exact interest will not show up while other phrases will show up. This is all for now. If I have some more to add to, I will. Have a safe and Happy New Year, GoAskAlice!
2 people like this
1 Jan 10
Hi cream97! Sounds like this is an addition to what I have listed as #1 above. Thank you, I've added it!
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
1 Jan 10
I guess what I find most annoying, and why I don't often use the search function, is because once you type something into the search box, it "remembers" it forEVER! You can close mylot and come back an hour later and there it is... You can delete it, do something and there it is! You can delete and refresh and **BAM** there it is. Granted it isn't looking for this thing, but it should just GO AWAY. I don't know WHY this happens, mind you, but it sure doesn't do that in any other search program I used...
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
2 Jan 10
1 Jan 10
Hi ElicBxn! I'll add your "annoyance" to our wish list - as in "I wish it would go away!"
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
I have used the search feature of this site a few times and of course, the ones that I would search about are discussions and sometimes images. I search for images since I am not sure if the image that I have has already been uploaded by another member in this site. I haven't used the search feature to search things in the web, mostly only within the myLot site. Frankly, if searching in this site is also considered within the 'participation' column in our myLot earnings, I guess a lot of members would use it more and more. (^_^ )
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
Well, aside from exchanging views and ideas, money is undoubtedly a good motivation for members here to be active.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 Jan 10
... you really think so? (^_°)
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1 Jan 10
Hi ratyz5! Have you gotten good results when you search for images? Searching the site is not considered "participation" and you are not compensated for searching. The search bar is there to help you in every possible "searching" way.
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• India
1 Jan 10
Happy New Year Friends. I like to use the search feature in upper right corner of mylot screen. Mostly i got the results for what i searched for. It is easy to search about any discussions by just giving a keyword on those search boxes.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
1 Jan 10
I sometimes have problem with that box, don't know why Are you sure you have no glitches while using all the available options?
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2 Jan 10
Hi thirumalairajan61! I'm glad you're getting some good results!
• India
1 Jan 10
Surely saying I am getting all the info i need by using search box at right top corner. sometimes it is giving more results which are unnecessary. But among the results there will be atleast a single result for what I searched.
• Iran
1 Jan 10
can you add a music bar in a search bar 'cause sometimes music junkies wanna search songs which they can not find in any other search engine ( More specific )
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
1 Jan 10
Hi it seems to be your first response to mylot! Cool! Welcome to mylot and have a great life with huge amount of wonders here I agree with you, even I want to have a music bar where I can search for music to download them. The blue thing which comes up is not of much help I would say. Do any of you find it useful enough ?
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2 Jan 10
Yes, welcome to myLot flock73! pupupd, what blue thing are you talking about? Can you show me?
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
Hi Alice. I really don't use the search tool because I don't get the result I need. Here in mylot I learn many things and sometimes there are discussions that I want to read again. How about adding a "bookmarking" function so that to make it easier for mylot users to search the topics or discussions.
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2 Jan 10
Hi gemmaris1976! We've talked at length about a "bookmarking" function in another discussion and it's been added to our wish list. Thanks!
@online_jon (1476)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
Happy new year Alice! Well, I think the search bar must have a PEOPLE SEARCH for us to be able to search other friends. Then like what you said the Interest search for us to be able search our own interest if it's available. If you put this new features here in mylot it will became easy for us to enjoy more this site. That's all! God bless us always and Good luck for this New Year!
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
1 Jan 10
I second both those suggestions - there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of interest sections to sift through. And it would be really ace if we could locate discussions made by particular members of myLot.
1 Jan 10
Hello online_jon and jazzsue58! Many have said what you're saying which is why both are on the list. Thanks!
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
1 Jan 10
Happy New Year Alice. I find it a little difficult to find discussions from the tags. There are many discussions which are tagged wrong. Also, I find that there should be options to sort the searches. For example, when I search for a particular tag, there are hundreds of discussions. So, it is very hard to find an old discussion because all the discussions are sorted according to when the discussions got their last response. It is fine. But there must be other options which will let us sort it by username, or date when it was started and so on. Hope I could make you understand. Thank you.
1 person likes this
1 Jan 10
Hi sagnik42! I've added sortable search results to our wish list. Very good suggestion, thank you!
• Indonesia
1 Jan 10
don't worry sir, new year new power
• United States
1 Jan 10
Maybe this has already been covered but i couldn't find it in myself to read 8 pages of comments. I brought up this discussion a few days ago and it seems that know really knows the answer. When using the search bar you can enter in a topic and it will take you to all of the discussions that have been start within the interest topic but I see no where where you can then start your own discussion within that topic. I think it would be nice to be able to type in the subject you are search then be taken to the list of discussions others have started but then also be able to have the start new discussion bar at the top like other interests that way you can start your own discussion by just doing a search and not having to through pages of your own interest. Thanks
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
1 Jan 10
Hi alice. I have always wanted to be able to search my friends with their username or name, I see that you have already covered it. So, well and good! Also I do use the search bar on top right corner. I use it to search for tags, to search discussions but sometimes there is a bug which does not allow me to switch between the options web/mylot/discussion/tasks. Even after selecting the option I get the same results of previously selected option. Please look into this bug! Rest all is fine and working great with me!
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2 Jan 10
Hi pupupd! I've noticed the bug too. I added it to the bug list!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
1 Jan 10
I have actually used the search to a certain extent. Most of the time when I use it is when I have thought of a discussion that I would like to start and then I will try the key words that I can think of to see if a similar discussion already exists. I try my hardest when I am starting a new discussion to make sure that it is not something that is duplicated. What I have found that is difficult is that I do sometimes miss discussions because the key words that I use are not the ones that other people have used. I wish that there was a way that it would be able to pull the words up from the entire text of the header.
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1 Jan 10
Hi dorannmwin! Have you also tried doing full text searches?
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
I always use the search function of mylot. Everytime I post a new discussion, I try to check first if there hd been a similar discussion so I dont double post. I think it's functioning very well. I would just like to be added is the ability to sort the results. I hope there are options to control results so it would be easier to find whatever we desire.. Thanks!!!
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1 Jan 10
Hi calai618! The ability to sort your search results has been added to our wish list!
• United States
1 Jan 10
Hello, I think in searching knowing exactly what you want is key. I have tried multiple search engines and will compare my results. I find search bars to be an easy way to get results and blogging will usually get me answers that I need. I have not used the corners of MyLot as of yet because I am new to this site. Jenn
1 Jan 10
Hi jennmeyers and welcome to myLot! I hope you stick around for a long time!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
4 Jan 10
Dear friend, Even though search options is much helpful I would like friends, those friends who are online options also to be included in search option.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
1 Jan 10
Hello, I love the searching box. it is very helpful and I dont have to open another page for just searching for a result. Great, and right now I have no comment or anything to change at all. If I find something that unnecessary then I will notify you right the way
1 Jan 10
Hi smileonstar! I'm glad you're pleased.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
4 Mar 10
hi Alice. there's a lot of questions in my current discussion. I have some points that i cannot answer, one is what search engine mylot Search is using. two is why some of the members not getting results.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Jan 10
I do use the search but sometimes it doesnt seem to work all the time I havent used the full text option because I normally search using mylot option.Maybe you could haev a search that searches through our personal discussions and find specific discussions
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1 Jan 10
Hi ronnyb! I think what you're asking for is what I have listed as #3 up above.
@Ysabel (1201)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
well, i only notice that not all in the searches are showing up. Example, if I search a person or a mylotter, only one or two discussions by this mylotter will show-up. it is very limited. :)
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@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
1 Jan 10
As far as I am concerned, I seldom use the search button which we know a lot of things in mylot. So many of the resulu I just look for one page after another by which way I still find my result. I still enjoy my way which can be a good method ,too.
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1 Jan 10
Hi monkeylong! Yes, your way is a good method too!