When people at work don't like you, what do you do?

January 1, 2010 8:14am CST
I've a friend who's a bit sensitive. She easily get affected by others comments and gestures that's why she find it hard to deal and please others, especially in work. Some people even considered her as too good to be true. What do you when people at work don't like you?
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21 responses
• United States
1 Jan 10
keep away from them when I dont have to be near them. If i do have to work with them I will just talk to them normally and get the job done. They are going to be a few people that dont like me and I dont really hold it against them.
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• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, it's better and advisable to stay away from them as much as possible because it doesn't make her feel good. The difficult part is when you communicate with them, because there are those times that you need their help and they can be uncooperative. You can't just do your job when you're connected with them. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
1 Jan 10
tell your friend to be minfull of only what our employer thinks,it is the employer that will be paying her not the employes,she is too mindfull of others that r not mindfull of her in a positive way,be mindfull not of them it will affect her sooner or later,to work effectively,
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• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, that's what I often told to my friend. What's important is her job, and if she let other people affect her job performance then it's her lost. And those people would be happy and it's not good. She should learn to fight with her emotions. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• India
1 Jan 10
i know team work is important but at workplace you can manage things with your skill and efficiency at your work to some extent.just ignore the extraneous part.that's the best you can do.
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1 Jan 10
My view is it is a place of work only. As long as it does not affect your work, then you should ignore these people.
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• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, you're right! it's best to keep away from those kind of people and completely ignore them. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
At first, I'm also affected if people at work doesn't like me but I realized later that I can not please everybody. So I learned not to bother them, I just ignore them and continue my work. Your friend should learn not to listen to everyone, because anyone can just say whatever they want and doesn't consider other's feelings.
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• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, you're absolutely right! I often remind her to ignore those people and just keep on working, never pay attention to whatever they said as long she did her job. As we are there to work and not to entertain people. Well I think little by little when she get used on it, she'll definitely shake it off. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• United States
1 Jan 10
Well.. the older I get, the less I worry about what other people think. But it can be hard to go to work and face people you know do not like you. I do not know if it is self esteem thing, but it can be trying on the nerves to say the least. I used to go out of my way to make those people like me. Sometimes, though, people are just not going to get there. You can not make everyone love you! I usually just try and ignore them now.. not let them effect me one way or the other.
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, it's hard to work each day being with those people who express and show indifference towards you. One way or another it will somehow affect your work performance. You're right, it's not possible to be love and accepted by everyone. There's always people who would not like you no matter what you do. Anyway, it's good that you learn to accept the truth and move on not being bothered by them. I wish my friend will soon learn. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
well i do have an officemate like that where people often give her comments and always tease her and criticize her even her personal life, i do pity her yet i guess she just found a way to cope up with all of it and being able to ignore it all,. that is why at times i do admire, she was able to ignore it till now
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
Wow! it's good that you're office mate able to completely ignore those kind of people. I wonder how did she make it. Well the best thing anyone can do to stop those people is to ignore, since soon they get tired of what they're doing. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Jan 10
I rememeber that I am not there to make friends. I am there to support myself and my family and although I am very nice to everyone, I don't take it personally if I am not liked. Not everyone will like you and you will not like everyone but the important thing where work is involved is to keep all relationships within the company on a professional level. You will gain respect from your coworkers and superiors if you stick to that.
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
Yeah, you're right Jenintn, it's always good to bear in mind the reason why we're there in a particular place, to work and enjoy nothing more. What's most important is you able to render to the company what they expect from you and not from others. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@benny128 (3615)
1 Jan 10
ignore them lol, you are at work to work you don't need to be liked or to like any of your colleagues. If somebody doesn't like me at work then thats not my problem aslong as it doesn't affect the ability to work then no problem. If people cannot be professional at work then thats when you need to approach hr about it and let them sort the problem out.
@magic9 (980)
• China
1 Jan 10
yeah, first we need to think why people at work don't like us. If it is our mistake, we need to correct it; if we do nothing wrong, stick to who we are. It's natural that people evny or dislike us because we are better than some people or inferiro to them or simply we are not of the same type. There is really no need to fear that. Remember? we don't like some ourselves too!
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, it's best to ignore those kind of people whom don't like you, however it's inevitable that there are those times that you'll be affected by their indifference. Especially those kind of people who feel threaten or insecure, they always find ways to get the person distracted or annoyed. It's always affect your job one way or another. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@Craicha (801)
1 Jan 10
of coursed i cannot expect everyone to like me, so if happen in my work someone happen not to like me will i'll just ignore these person and go on in my work...
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@Mebgem (131)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
I just ignore them.. I don't really care if they hate me or not.. i don't get paid by them so I just do my job and try to avoid any dealings with them. =) I always try to be positive and just enjoy the company of my friends at work..
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Yeah, we are not paid being with them we earn by the company that we work. So we should learn to focus our attention to our work. Engraving positive thoughts could help a lot when it comes to dealing those kind of people. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@karthi_88 (299)
• India
2 Jan 10
hi friend, if we go to work we should not be too sensitive friend.if we have the talent to manage any type of situation only we will be comfortable with that job.in office environment sure there will be people who likes us so we can move well with people who likes us friend.if people who don't like us comment anything about us better we should not hear it friend.we should never turn to their side. have a nice day :)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Hello karthi, Yeah, you're right! we can't be sensitive in work. But there are those kind of people who has that kind of personality. We can't help it, we are all different from each other. And I agree with what you said we should simply ignore and never listen to whatever they said. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• India
2 Jan 10
i just say to ignor dat people as is stik on dat tension to face dat person, we not able to achive our targets to do work. so. just ignor and make them more jealouse by proving them dat u nt get affected with his/ her behaviour atall. all d best
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
LOL, thanks for that good advice, on making those people jealous. It's never been good to pay attention those people because they are not worth it :-) Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@vince06 (98)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
for me i will just focus on what i do i will not let them affect my work..i will just mind my own business and work as a professional...hehehe
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
thanks ms. joannaleed.. just focus on your work..you are working for your own good not for them so dont mind them..ok, i will make my comment longer thanks for the advise.. happy my lotting..wahahahhaaha
@donna22 (1116)
2 Jan 10
Depending on her job it is not really her place to please her collegaues. You do not say why they do not like her though. Are you sure she is just not being paranoid? If they do not like her, for whatever reason that is their problem. It may make her working life difficult but at end of day as long as she can do her job well, thats all that matters.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Jan 10
careguarden I try to be friendly but not overly so and just go about my business. as I know I am a nice person, I just consider they are missing out on my friendship and do what I am there for. If they do not like me that is their loss not mine. I have friends so thats not a biggie for me. I guard against being offensive but I will not kowtow to someone in order to gain their dubious friendship. I was so lucky where I have worked as we all got along so beautifully, no dislikes, no rudeness just friends all around.
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Well you're lucky my friend, that you're working in a quite friendly environment, no competition, threats or anything that makes one feel bad. Yeah, you're right, it's not our loss it's theirs because they missed being with a good person. Anyway thank you for sharing with us Hatley and enjoy your day!
@daliaj (5674)
• India
4 Jan 10
I maintain good relationsip with all the people I work with. You should be careful about the relationsip at work. You can behave to people at any way in your home, but that should not be the case with people at work. You should be a little careful because work is important to you. Try to keep good relationship with everybody at work, but at the same time keep a distance. That is what I follow to maintain good relationship with my colleagues.
@jaizhi (260)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
I dont reallly bother much about how my co-worker feels about me. If they dont like me so what? as long as my boss is not one of them and I am doing my best at work that is enough. My mom use to tell me that people who dont like you are more likely to be the people who are insecure... If you friends keep thinking about what other thinks of her it will drive her life nuts. And that wont be nice... My mom always tells my sister who used to be like that "dont mind them, there are better things to do than think of them... why should you want to waste your time thinking about whether they like you or not when you know that they dont care at all..."
@MrKennedy (1978)
2 Jan 10
Personally, I just choose to ignore them. I'm there simply to earn money for myself, not to make friends or enemies. I don't care what such people think of me because I know that after work, I won't have to see them again and I can spend time with people who I actually get on with and who I would consider friends.
@bhav27 (442)
• India
2 Jan 10
hi dear , first of all there is always two reasons of people hate behaviour towards us one is that people are jealous of us and hate our position and repotituion that's why they develop hated feelings for us and second reason is that they are in misconception , due to some misunderstanding they develop the feeling , ask them about the reason of hating if the reason is genuine then ask them to forget it if not then i never get personaal with them , for me they are just my co-workers , let them hate.