What will happen in 2012?

January 1, 2010 11:07am CST
Did anyone do some research about this? I've read so many books and articles about 2012 prediction and crop circles and I'm a bit confused Of course the world will not end at that day, but what exactly will happen? Anyone who is interested in Mayan calendar, crop circles, please tell me what you think.
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8 responses
• India
2 Jan 10
Dear friend, the MAYAN dynasty existed approximataly 200 BCto 900 Bc in central part of america and it was one of the highly developed empire in contemperary world. there was a person named Tapori worked under the king but tried to attracked the queen and get married. The conspiracy was leaked and Tapori was arrested and sent to an island, also he was tasked to make a calender . Tapori started making the calender in day time and thinking abut the queen whole night.Once the king planned to visit the island with queen but could not go due to any reason and sent the queen alone. Unfortunately the ship was destroyed in heavy storm but queen escaped and met to Tapori. Tapori made a small boat and fled away from that island.when queen asked about the calender, he replied,I have made it upto 2012 and will expire on the same day , not the world.
• Vietnam
2 Jan 10
Sorry my friend, as far as I know, that story was just made up by someone based on Mayan's Folk. And the calendar is a system of an indigenous people’s astronomy/astrology, divination and [maybe] prophecy. Tapori himself alone couldn't make it for sure. And you're right, 2012 is the end of their Great cycle, not the world. Thus the Great Cycle we are currently in began on August 11, 3114 BCE. What will happen if this Great Cycle ends? People say that the present world age will end and a new world age will begin.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Jan 10
Go to you tube and type in the date December 12, 2012 and watch some of the videos that have been broadcast by the Discovery channel, history channel, and the science channels not to mention National Geographic. The ruling theory right now is a meteor shower caused by the passing of a 10th planet called Nibiru through our solar system on a 3400 year elyptical orbot causing all kinds of calamitous problems with its enormous gravitational pull. It won't hit us. It has been breezing through here on a regular basis for a long time and here we still all are so I find it unlikely that we will all die. Just most of us should such an even occur.
@jazzsue58 (2666)
1 Jan 10
There will be a sun storm - sun spot activity so powerful it will wipe out communications networks, satellites, the works. This is electromagnetic radiation, not solar heat. We won't notice much change in the weather - though we'll get wonderful Southern Lights effects - and we will be protected by the ionosphere from the rafiation effects. But ... ... everything we take for granted: electricity supplies, phones, mobiles, internet, banking systems and even dear old myLot - will be wiped out. We'll switch from digital to analogue. That's the worst that can happen.
@jazzsue58 (2666)
1 Jan 10
Sorry - I meant radiation effects. Rafiation effects are damage by straw ribbons.
• Vietnam
1 Jan 10
lolz that's interesting, vote vote vote
@May2k8 (18192)
• Indonesia
1 Jan 10
you do not need to worry, because there are few distractions and not harmful to human beings on earth. The sun can last for billions of years, the satellite will not work in that year. Continue your life without thinking about what would happen, and we as human beings will not know the age of the earth.
@May2k8 (18192)
• Indonesia
1 Jan 10
still lucky I'm still alive today, repeatedly since the quake hit the whole place. I likely do not have a place to live. Here...there is always exposed to shocks that create panic.;)
• Vietnam
1 Jan 10
more and more disasters happen every year makes me worry a lot. Thank you about the advise, I will put my mind at ease, just think about how to make some extra money without bother about world's end :D
@reploid (1371)
• France
9 Jan 10
The end of the world will come sooner or later, but I don't think it will be in 2012. The End of the world has already started, and you know when..? Since it's creation. The earth is planet and all planets explode one day or another. Just enjoy your life and live each part of it fully.
• France
2 Jan 10
As it is showed in film they are things that will happen...predictions is one thing, but there are also scientific theories about planets alignment and explosions on the sun that will create some effects on our planet..it's very scary stuff...there are some good films on Youtube about it..all the best !
• Vietnam
2 Jan 10
yeah I like that film too :D
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
1 Jan 10
As far as I know about 2012,it is a interesting movie.I watched it and I liked it. I don't know much about crop circles or the Mayan calendar. In my opinion all these are worthless stories made by some people in order to defraud the society. Its better not to believe on these fake predictions.I really don't worry about the end of this world.. If it ever happened then it will happen to all of us...Although I would like to die rather than staying alone in this world after the aftermath.
• India
3 Jan 10
Crop circles are the unknown mastery for many of the scientists ,when we come to the 2012 topic it is all trash no proofs are there to decide 2012 as a nightmare so be positive and go ahead