Everybody hurts..

Crying in the rain - learn to dance in the rain
January 4, 2010 12:27am CST
If you are reading this, its more likely that you are this kind of person who can manage stress and comes out of it whole again. I say ur a fighter.Born to survive in this jungle called life. There are many rich people who resorted to drugs, booze or suicide because they dont know what to do to get out of their seemingly difficult situations. But thanks to the space age gadgets we got like computers and blackberries coz we can go online and find a person whom we can trust or a medium where we can pour our heart out. Just writing/typing whats bothering you is stress management in itself. Now u might get luckier to have people respond to your piece of writing which might uplift your spirits with their advices or share their own experiences makin you realize your not the only one hurting in this world. Ok i'll be honest..im hurting now (^_^) Help!!!
1 response
• China
4 Jan 10
I think I can understand what you are getting at.We always feel frustrated and feel like relesing ourselves. When i feel injured, i will find a place where i can yell out. Luckily, I live near to the beach. Sometimes I will just cry without saying a word. There are so many ways to uplift spirits. Maybe you can see a film that encourage and inspire you and then you will become courageous again. If you fee injured again ,you can send e-mails to me at any time.
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
yes i will email you when i feel the blues again thanks..