What is the most violent movie you have ever watched?

@inkyuboz (1392)
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
January 4, 2010 3:42am CST
Mine is "A History of Violence" starring Viggo Mortensen (the guy who played Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings trilogy). It's filled with gory scenes and gratuitous violence. The cool thing about it is that the story itself is interesting. I thought that the violence could have been lessened but the whole movie would have been compromised if that was the case. How about you? What is the most violent movie that you have ever watched?
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25 responses
• United States
4 Jan 10
The most violent movie I have ever seen is Hostile...and I did not enjoy it one bit! I just really hate graphic, disturbing, torture movies (why the heck did I even go to it!?!? lol)
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Jan 10
I'm with you 100%!! At least I didn't waste a penny of my own money to see it since my brother had rented it when he was in from NJ awhile back. I have no desire to see the sequel. I spent most of the time covering my eyes like a kid! Annie
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@elisse27 (181)
• Philippines
5 Jan 10
For me it is Kill Bill 1 and 2... almost every scene have killing scenes and blood over.. some scenes are made black and white so that you would not see how much blood is all over tyhe place
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
5 Jan 10
Inglorious Basterds. I'm really interested to see that movie. I guess I have to wait for it in DVD.
• Indonesia
5 Jan 10
Almost every Tarantino movie spilled with blood, the current example is Ingluorius basterds where there's violence everywhere, but what I like about him is he can showed it artistically, sometimes even funny that we see the violence as important factor of the movie, while in movies like Saw the violence sometimes is ridiculously annoying.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Jan 10
OMG I dont really know....Ichi The Killer was pretty good...I guess you could say it was violent....the Hostel movies, the Saw movies I guess would be classified as violent and so on...Ive never really seen a movie that was IMO overly violent by MY standards but I'm a twisted being so many of the movies I've seen that I dont htink are overly violent would be considered so to others..
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
5 Jan 10
Ichi The Killer. I can't believe I forgot that. Yeah, the violence/gore there was pretty horrid. The way the director handled it made it look mesmerizing but at the same time, you can't help but flinch.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Mine probably has to be "American History X". The whole movie.. just reminds me of violence. I really go out of my way to try to AVOID violent movies. But this one struck a chord with me, and always has. It's a violent movie, but very worth seeing.
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
5 Jan 10
I have to agree with this. I've seen the movie and despite the violence and the sensitive nature of the film, it is indeed worth watching. Great performances all through out especially Edward Norton.
• Indonesia
5 Jan 10
I watched this British gore movie called Eden Lake. It's about a couple who is having a vacation in an isolated beach that was terrorized with local vandal kids because the man accidentaly killed their dogs. It's a nonstop violence and torture, and more scaringly it's all done by teenagers and kids and showing lots and lots of blood. I cringe a lot of the time but I think unlike other gore movie who has dumb character, all the characters are pretty smart to survive each other.
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
5 Jan 10
Another movie which was pretty violent and distrubing is Michael Haneke's "Funny Games". Now that was just too much for me. It came to a point where I wanted to rip my eyes out. I just can't finish that movie. I knew it's just going to end tragically.
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
I dont like watching violent movies but sometimes my curiousity is alive and kicking. So far the most violent movie I have watched is "Kill Bill" part 1. I didnt watch the part 2 because it might be bloody as hell again.
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@Jaytech (2251)
17 Jan 10
Kill Bill part 2 is quite different to the first one & slower paced, you get to learn more about the characters, there are some fights but nowhere near as graphic & bloody as in part one
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Jan 10
I know they've already been mentioned but mine would have to be "Hostel" and whichever one of the "Saw" movies I saw. All I know is one part of each of those series was enough for me! I didn't recall it when I first read your OP but now I remember that I saw "The History of Violence" but I guess I didn't think of that as being as graphic as the others or maybe it was just the violence for the sake of goriness that I didn't care for personally. There was a movie back in the seventies, "Mark of the Devil", where they handed out "barfbags". THAT was pretty bad too but it's been so many years ago I can't remember the details too well anymore. Annie
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@doormouse (4599)
4 Jan 10
saw is the most violent movie i've seen,i don't think it's that violent,but out of all the movies i've seen that would be the most graphic, i'd like to see a movie that really scares the sh** out of me with a lot more violence than Saw,but i can't find one
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• India
23 Jan 10
Well inkyuboz, you have not watched bollywood movies. They contain so much gore and violence that even the much hyped Hollywood action movies look a pale shadow. Especially, movies starring Sunny Doel and Bobby Doel have such action that sometimes you are on the verge of throwing up at the amount of blood you see on the screen. You should watch the movie 'Gadar' and 'Tango Charlie'. Too much violence. too much.
• Bangladesh
11 Jan 10
I haven't watched the movie. I can add Kill Bill 1-2, Saw, Sin City, Hostel, Scream, Halloween etc.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
hi inkyuboz, Oh, I'm curious about that film, I might watch it one of this day. The movie "Saw" was too violent for me. And gory.. I can't think of any film that are more violent than that film.
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@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
Braveheart is such a good movie but most of the scenes are really gory. Another one is Kill Bill Volume One. Both movies showed lots of blood and gore and the lead character's fascination with killing spree.
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• Greece
4 Jan 10
im not really sure but i will say kill bill
• United States
5 Jan 10
I think the most violent movies I have ever seen were Ichi the Killer, Kill Bill volume 1, and this other movie that I have seen on HBO. Sadly the name of the last movie, but it was British, and about a futuristic world were parts of England were shut off from the world, and of course there was a war lord who was like a Neo-punk and his band of freaks ate people. It was super weird, but very violent. I was disturbed by the scenes of people eating other people. It was pretty crazy.
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• United States
5 Jan 10
um..i don't know,i've gotten pretty desensitised.. i guess the sequel to "28 days later",that was pretty sick.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I would have to say SAW....
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
6 Jan 10
I have always shy away from watching violent movies. Just like in real life, I hate violence and would not want to see gory and dreadful scenes even in the world of make believe. Hence, I like watching feel-good movies only. Those that will make me laugh and feel that life is still worth living. I also do watch films that would make me cry but the ending should be a happy or edifying one. When watching I want to come out of the theater happy and delighted and not depressed and frightened. This is the reason why I've not watched any violent movie yet.
@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
5 Jan 10
Not to be get into a anything religious, but the crusifiction of Christ I thought was pretty violent. I mean, how another human being could ever do that to another, seems quite violent to me. cd
@sachii315 (488)
• Japan
5 Jan 10
Hi! I've watched "Naked Weapon" before. Its a film from Hong Kong, I guess. It's like an unedited Kill Bill with lots of killings and blood. It was a very good movie and nice story but some of the scenes are a bit gory and brutal. I find it very interesting. Even though some scenes are morbid, it is still worth to watch. Happy mylotting!
@aulius111 (330)
• Australia
5 Jan 10
yeah the most violent one I've seen was probably Saw or maybe 300. I really liked 300 but Saw was a bit much. It didn't appeal much to me because of it's lack of storyline and it was pretty pointless.