Why do so many people prefer small dogs over big dogs?

United States
January 5, 2010 2:31pm CST
I noticed that in animal shelters or dog adoption programs the small dogs are usually the first choice. I know that means more dogs will be abandoned but at the same time more would be adopted. Is it because small dogs remind them of puppies? Is it because they take up less space? I wonder what the reason could be.
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7 responses
@MrKennedy (1978)
6 Jan 10
Not me personally, but I know that many people may find bigger dogs more intimidating than small dogs (just like people too, I guess). Also, I think some people feel incapable of taking care of bigger dogs because tye are stronger and demand more food because of their larger size than smaller dogs.
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• United States
13 Jan 10
That makes sense now that I think about it.
@benny128 (3615)
5 Jan 10
I have had a big dog and am getting a small dog next, for a number of reasons - A) They are easier to introduce to children, a smaller dog is generally less powerful, B) Easier to transport in the car take up less space. C) Easier to control when your taking them for a walk. D) Also eat less lol, and usually cost less to insure.
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• United States
5 Jan 10
That makes sense. Now I understand.
• Philippines
6 Jan 10
Many people prefer small dogs over big dogs because they are easy to bring and cuddle. You can bring them anyhwere you want. Small dogs are like babies or puppies, you are right.
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• United States
5 Jan 10
I think small dogs are thought to be a little more "cute and cuddly" than bigger dogs. This may or may not be true! However, I think not having adequate space for a larger dog can be a factor as well as the expense of feeding and caring for a larger dog could be greater.
• United States
5 Jan 10
Small dogs are usually easier to adopt out because of a number of factors. 1) Most adoption agencies require that you not leave the dog outside while they are unsupervised so smaller dogs are easier to have indoors. 2) Small dogs cost less to feed. 3) Handling a large dog is sometimes harder, unless they have been properly trained. 4) Many large dogs that are at adoption center are a cross breed of something and pit bull. This cross often frightens away potential adoptors even though there should be no reason to alarm.
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• United States
5 Jan 10
Size itself is a big issue of course. Larger dogs need more space and many people just dont have the room for them. Not to mention the yard space that larger dogs often need more of to get proper exercise. Larger dogs also eat more, and can cause a disaster when getting into things or chewing, much faster. I have had both in my life, and my favorite dog I ever had was a larger dog. But that was when I lived in a house, with a decent back yard. When I moved I had to give her up, and where I live now we have a small dog. Its because I have had to give up my animals in the past that I personally will never own another one until I own my own house.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Space issues is probably a big factor. Most people in town don't have room for a larger dog. Plus they eat more.
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