do hindu worship idol ??

January 5, 2010 8:39pm CST
i think no bro we close our eye we dont need to see a symbol to worship god we dont need image or idol to worship same with muslim face his body to kiblat doesnt mean they worship kiblat
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3 responses
• India
11 Jan 10
hey brother i want to know your real name and also i want to tell you that i had get your reply late that i am not replying to post i am sorry.......because it is not my fault i am not getting your reply in my mail ..........therefore i am not getting your problems...............anyways i am sorryfor inconvinience i will try my best that this mistake will not repeated by me in future.............your friend khan.
• Indonesia
11 Jan 10
answer my question bro
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
7 Jan 10
If you read the vedas, it says God has no image, or no Idol and God is one. But many Hindus are having several set of idols or gods, goddess, devans, devis, incarnations etc. Probably they may be doing wrong, but that is what Hinduism as we see now in practical life. Vishnu, shiva, ganesh, shiva, durga, lakshmi, saraswathi, ayyappan, murugan, indra, agni, varuna, parvati, Rama, etc... Every gods has a pictorial or idol image and most people keeping it in home and pray to them or in their name. Islam says that God is non comparable, and has no image or form as we see. There is no idol or pictorial representation for God. The K'aba at mecca is only a sacred place of worship which was existed as early as the beginning of mankind, which is prescribed as a direction of prayer to Muslims as a unity and instruction from God. All Muslims all over the world face towards Ka'aba when they worship. We are not worshiping it or praying to it, it is only a direction. Peace.
• Indonesia
7 Jan 10
i knowed it bro why we need image for worshiping god because it was god itself apppears as one of u mentioned rama paravati ect of couse he has no form ,no name but he make form to make us closer to him if he didnt make form we cant even love or see him we cant understand him in hindu there is 2 type of god impersonal and personal impersonal is god that as u mentioned "has no attribute" "has no name" "cant reach by human being mind" and others personal god the impersonal god who loves his bhakta and he appears in personal form to make close his bhakta and him of course there is no matter in hindu in worshipping god as personal or impersonal form
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
6 Jan 10
..I don't think it's the symbol that they worship.. they direct their prayers to their God and not to the symbol.. there are so many ways in which religions are classified and one of these is thru symbols.. we would know it is a muslim because of the symbol they use.. I believe symbols are really merely symbols of each religion we have..
• Indonesia
6 Jan 10
yes u r true they direcly pray to the almighty without intermediate their message direcly been send to god with symbol or not they can pray to god