As a women what kind of men do u prefer in life ?

January 7, 2010 5:39am CST
Many people in this world is trying to find a answer for this question, There is an INDIAN TAMIL proverb that" a women's heart is as deep as an Ocean and no one can measure it" .This specifc creature brought colors to this world. So Women I leave the space to you to discuss about your ideaology of men to become your partner or may be your general opinion on them and stuff
4 responses
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
hi friend... i would prefer a man who loves me as well my family... who accepts me in my worst and who understands my need as a woman.. who is kind and responsible .... who thinks for the future/dreams in life and for his future family.. who makes me happy and calm when im in pain and hurt.. who i can be me...when im with him. who i can still smile even if im in pain.. the reason who makes me more beautiful like a flower that blossom.. who picks me up when im down... who completes the missing piece of my heart.. most of all his a GOD fearing person... thanks! take care!
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
From the proverb, it means that, a finding the real feelings of a woman's heart is hard. No one can measure it meaning, it is huge or too many to identify, countless. In choosing a man for life, it is same as the proverb, it is unmeasurable by many characteristics we look for like honest, patience, understanding, good provider, companion, best friend, supporter, open- heart, generous, kind hear, loving, discipline and many more to be said by any woman. You see, all are ideal and said to be specific. But, when she found the right man for her, the man can discover the real color of the woman and deepness as a person like emotional, spiritual,and other aspects in life. Though the woman hear is deep it means She has a big heart to share and fill others heart too.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
hello there! as a woman i like a man who will accept me & my family for who we are...someone who will respect and love me unconditionally and will understand me... i like a man who will make me feel that i am every inch a woman... and i guess, i have found him already!
• United States
8 Jan 10
When I was 14 years old I was very taken by the characters Shahrukh Khan portrayed in his movies. In fact, I had a big crush on him (I still like him). Everytime I saw him I wished that I had a lover like him. That is, cute, loving, well-cultured, obsessed and always ready to come to my rescue. Believe it or not, once in my prayer I even told God to send me a man exactly like him. Unfortunately, it did't happen that time and I finally understood that I was wishing for the most "impossible" thing.In a few years I moved on from this wish and had boyfriends here and there. None of them had the qualities that attracted me. In fact, I usually gave into their chasing game. Last year I was in the lowest point of life. I thought I will never find happiness in a relationship. But then the miracle happen. My wish was granted when I ended up having a love at first sight with a polish guy in my university. He is my boyfriend now and he really has every single quality of Shahrukh Khan's character. Sometimes I feel I am dreaming. In a funny way, he even mentioned to me that he dreamed of me when he was 14. We both are still stunned!