What do you think of google chrome?

January 7, 2010 2:03pm CST
I've used google chrome for months since it launched and I really love it. Google chrome is noticeably faster than other browsers like firefox, internet explorer, safari, opera... but it quite slow when it comes to flash. Chrome has many theme for you to choose and they are all pretty. Both chrome and firefox can open up an incognito window that won't store cookies and other data your browser normally keeps track of, but I like chrome's better. Since Mozilla said that the next firefox release will be better than chrome, I'm really excited, good to see my old friend! :D But to me for mow, chrome is so far so good. What do you think?
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5 responses
• Portugal
8 Jan 10
i LOVE IT it helps me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!
• Vietnam
8 Jan 10
yeah, haha.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I always wait to see how other people are doing with these sort of things before I do them. I like to see if they have issues, or if there are bugs that need fixed then once I feel pretty good about it I will give it a try. So I have not really tried it yet, but I am sure that I will sometime down the road from now. I just like to wait and see.
• Vietnam
7 Jan 10
yeah, you're safer that way ^^ I'm an opposite type. I'd like to try new things and take some risk, something like that. I highly recommend Chrome, you should go for it soon. You may not familiar with it at first but I'm sure that you will like it in no time.
@coolsudan (313)
• India
8 Jan 10
there are many better options than chrome ....i use opera and mozilla ..... when i have limited download plans on my internet i use opera and when there are unlimited plans i use mozilla .....both are excellent and far much better than chrome......the only reason that u can use chrome is that if u are too lazy to type in the name of site ....(this is the reason given to me by my frnd who uses chrome)....chrome stores the history pages of the sites u recently visited thats teh only feature and i dont like that so i dont opt for chrome ......speed adnd all is gud with it but the history thing is a little bit annoying
• India
9 Jan 10
I agree chrome is the fastest noticeable browser till now it works great because of its very simple interface but when it comes to all the other options and tools and plugins provided by Firefox then chrome doesn't stand too well specially if your are a blogger or if u work at home or internet jobs and all.But for normal suffers and quick jobs and social networking and all chrome is the best browser
@Logan3745 (302)
• United States
17 Jan 10
i like how they are developing it, soon it will take down IE