Is there no God just because of all the Suffering????
By bird123
@bird123 (10661)
United States
January 9, 2010 4:16pm CST
The logic behind this statement is easy to understand. We hurt and that's all we can see. With all things of God, a Being capable of creating universes, things are not always so simple.
First, let's look at pain. The world doesn't need pain. Right??? No, wrong! Pain is no more than a warning sign that something is wrong. The greater the pain; the more need for action.
It's not about pain,hurt and suffering. God has placed limits on that. If the body is damaged too badly, it goes into shock. With shock, there is no pain. If a person is hungry, it hurts worst not long after we have been fed. People starving at the bottom of life do not feel the pain of hunger as bad. Ask anorexic people. They will tell you. There are plants that manufacture pain killers for dentistry and medicine. Let's not forget alcohol has been a pain killer since the beginning of time.
So why is there hurt, pain and suffering at all?? When times are good, we sit back and enjoy the ride. When adversity hits, we have to think,plan,study,analyze and grow in so many ways along the journey. If there are no adversities or challenges, we usually do nothing. Man does have the capability to solve the suffering in this world. People are choosing to put other things above people. Money, power, and possessions are near the top rather than people.
Everything you do in life comes back to you in time. This is not to punish but to teach. It's all about learning. If there were no consequences for bad choices, we would never learn anyhing. Consequences can sometimes hurt. Finally, there are great souls who will choose to go through great adversity so that others will learn, grow, and understand. Most go without recognition and it is the greatest kindness!!
No matter what happens, we are eternal. When you find adversity, suffering, or pain, there will be someone learning something. We might not always see it happening but it will always be there. Know that God will never give you more than you can handle. Sometimes, it takes all you got to get the job done. Hang in there,BRAVE,STRONG,LOVING SOUL FOR THIS WORLD WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU!!!!!
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9 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
9 Jan 10

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@bird123 (10661)
• United States
9 Jan 10
I'm afraid you might just be surprised when heaven comes around. We all will know God's unconditional love that will heal all hurt but there will come a time when kiddies must go back to school. Some lessons can only be learned through free choices, consequences and adversity. Eternity isn't about having it made. It's about learning and growing. Thanks for all your comments.

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
10 Jan 10
As I read your post I am reminded about the new batman begins movie. This may be a bad analogy but when Bruce falls as a kid he is told we fall so we can learn to get back up. What would our life be without suffering, would we ever truly learn anything for ourselves or be in a state of numbed reality. I have thought about Buddha's discovery of enlightenment before and that want creates suffering. Is a nirvana really how we are meant to live our lives? While its a wonderful thing to find an escape from our world is that all we should seek or is our life to be more of a median? You cant know love without heartbreak, you cant know the warmth of a fire without the cold of night and you cant know pleasure without pain.
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@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
13 Feb 10
Well Well, I hope any parents don't read this, because then they will have to make their kids suffer to make them work hard or teach them some kind of a lesson....
hope they don't cut their hands or legs or steal their vision or power to speak, just to teach some freaking lesson...
I was a bright kid, without suffering you know, i learnt a lot of things without suffering,
On the contrary i know a guy from my school who lost his parents in an accident, i suffered a great deal, he turned out to be a gangster later on... further more, he killed many people, looks like it was all part of learning a lesson... .
1 lesson is far more important than so many lives.... circumstances, suffering, life, pain... all to teach, to learn,
i am guessing your so called "God" did not have any better way to teach... first he creates us with faults, and then teaches us the lesson through suffering...
looks like a story i read in the newspaper once....
a drunkard gets the girl pregnant, does not let her abort, when the child is born, he punishes the kid for almost everything, let alone him being hit, he was also exposed to all the things that the kid at that age was not supposed to even know, at the end of it... he tells him.. world is hard kid... you gotta learn to live through it...
its kinda harsh, ain't it? If the lessons were that important to learn, why weren't we embedded with it since childhood... was it not possible to be done that way?

@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
14 Feb 10
Hey bird123!,
The point is, the freedom is limited and so are the choices and unfortunately the fact is that more powerful person has more freedom and choices.
We do not have the freedom to live or least not at some point
We can ignore the worst things in world, we can close eyes and ignore but cannot be open and free ever....
We are human beings with best working brain on the earth, we are not supposed to ignore whats happening in the world, instead we are suppose to understand why things go wrong and try and work on it.
What choice does an orphan has, he/she is the result of someone else's mistake?
Circumstances does not play any role in making choices, you are so perfect that you never make mistakes in your life, and that is because you go by the book of religion
Are you Christian? did you have a choice to be born Christian, or a Muslim kid, did he have a choice to be born as muslim, or hindu or jain, did they have choices to make when they were born, as in to which religion they should be born with?
What about the choices before birth, if there is a so called soul, what choice would a choice look out for?
Give a 2 yr old kid a razor sharp knife to play with, if he hurts himself, was it because he made that choice? was that kid capable of making those choices without knowledge, No, he was suppose to grow up, learn, live through the circumstances he was born with. there is no fun, no lesson to be learnt, only one objective to be successful and leave all the sorrows behind him.
Do you think the people who are suffering, are lab rats in your God's laboratory? they are setting examples or others?
1 mere lifetime? ... come on you've got to be kidding me.... just wait, for once think of what you are telling...
Its not a chemical formula tested in lab that you are talking about, you sound delusional and living in the world created by priests, holy books and fantasies....
- You do not know it for a fact that there exists more than 1 lifetime....
- You have not seen heaven or hell... you haven't even been out of your country...
- you are just so sure of everything that you have been told and taught that you hardly ever took time to understand it, you just accepted it the way it was told to you, you probably are a typical example of brain washed kid...
@bird123 (10661)
• United States
13 Feb 10
To really learn one must have total freedom of choice. If you are not free to choose, you will do the opposite of what you are forced to do as soon as you are free. With this freedom comes bad choices. The only reason people make bad choices is because they do not fully understand the ramifications of their choices. Everything to do in life will come back to you in time. This will show you exactly what your choices mean. This is not too punish but to teach. As you know people can make some pretty bad choices. Since what you do comes back to you, it can look pretty bad to someone looking on the sidelines. There are also great souls who volunteer to go through great adversity in order than someone else will see. You are making your judgement calls without the entire picture. The education of God's children spans much more than one mere lifetime. All the secrets of the universe take a long time to learn. For those of us who watch the lessons others go through, it is just a reminder of what the real answers are.The only real choice is unconditional love. After all, that is what we all want back.
@bird123 (10661)
• United States
14 Feb 10
We are spiritual beings in our true natures.We are all eternal. The parameters of our life are set by God to aid in the lessons we are to learn. The choices are ours after that. Yes, people are taught many things as a child but at some point a person is to become more than the sum of their teachings. They reach for discovery. I hold to no formal religion. So much that is said about God simply isn't true. If God really exists, then He can be found. Question is Do you want to find God? Perhaps you should start your own journey to discovery. God has the sum of all knowledge. He is very very smart. We are mere ants. That is why so few really understand God. Simple answers which you rely upon never tell the entire story. There is always more that one can not see. All the secrets of the universe stare you in the face. Can you see???? How long did man watch birds fly before he understood how to fly??

@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
23 Jan 10
Yes. Suffering proves that there is no God.
What you think is true for you. What others think is true for them. If you feel suffering is needed, the suffering is needed for you. If I think suffering is not needed for me, then suffering is not needed for me.
I disagree that people do not learn when times are good. Exactly the opposite. People do learn and they learn more when times are good because learning is the nature of human beings. It is man's nature to understand, search and discover more and more. It is suffering which stops many from learning and discovering.

@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
25 Jan 10
I never said one cannot learn through adversity. My point is that adversity is not NEEDED in order to learn and that we can learn MORE if there was no adversity.
@bird123 (10661)
• United States
24 Jan 10
The only thing that stops learning is a closed unwilling mind. A need to solve a problem will point the direction.Hurt until it is easier to change will guaranty the trip. Yes! Yes! People can learn and do without adversity but it's human nature not to do anything one doesn't have to do. So much would never be discovered unless there was a need. When you have it made, you just enjoy the ride.Don't you??

@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
10 Jan 10
When God vanished all people in Sodom and Gomorrah on the face of the Earth, I wonder why He kills the children too. That would be a very cruel thing to do since these children's do not have sins. But to think of it, the reason of doing it is that if He let the children live, who will raise them? I'm sure those children are now angels now.
@angela018 (143)
• Philippines
10 Jan 10
God exist though we may not see Him 24/7. rough or smooth things comes our way but it is only a trials in life. we must be stringer if there are problems. we need to have faith in our almighty God. Trust Him and He will never fail us. God really excist as what i have said. though we cannot see him, just like our brain, we cannot see our brain but it is functioning.. like God though we cannot see Him but he is powerful that all things for Him is possible.. Just accept him as your Lord and savior.. Blessings are there in your way..
@bird123 (10661)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Don't be so sure that God can't be seen. Look again. Widen your view. So much more can be discovered venturing out on your own. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Most of which people do not even see. Thanks for all your comments!!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jan 10
People starving at the bottom of life do not feel the pain of hunger as bad. Ask anorexic people. They will tell you
Well I was an anorexic AND for a while was at the "bottom of life", living on the streets with no money and getting food was not as easy....Now as much as I'll admit that when I had my eating disorder hunger pain wasnt AS bad but thats only because the mental aspect of the disorder was in the forefront...I can also say though that being homeless and hungry the pain of hunger IS bad...its downright horrible and the mental aspect of being homeless etc makes it even worse....
all that said though, I for starters dont believe in God BUT none the deity can or should be blamed for suffering in our suffer is to live and apprectiate...We go through harsh times and experiences becuase we NEED TO for a variety of reasons....reasons you have mentioned...

@bird123 (10661)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Thanks so much for your insight. Indeed being homeless surely has to be trying. It does make me wonder where all the religions were. No one to help you and yet they are building mansion churches. Pastors making unGodly amounts of money just for material gain. Man does have the capability to stop this. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not. You are touching alot of lives. Maybe sharing your experiences will allow others to see. You are indeed a special soul.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
9 Jan 10
I don't think god has anything to do with suffering. We have a free will, we bring it to ourselves. If I would believe that god really exists and he made this universe, I'd think he only set up the basic rules and let it evolve itself. I don't think he controls life, that would be boring.
@nitu1952 (285)
• India
10 Jan 10
one can't say that if we are suffering from various problems and we say that these proble occurs due to the basense of god. god is there and who is taking care of all of us. but just remember one thing. iwe have done something wrong then one has to suffer the result for it.
@bird123 (10661)
• United States
10 Jan 10
If a person chooses to do something terrible, it's just because they clearly do not understand what they are doing. Everything you do will come back to you in time.This is to show us exactly what our choices mean. People's choices can cause suffering. Consequences when they return will be suffering. There is no other way to really learn except through experience.For those of us who must watch, it is a reminder of what the right choice really is.When everything we do returns to us in time, we will learn to love unconditionally. After all, we will realize that is what we all want back. Thanks for all your comments!!