Mr.Piolo P. will play the role of Ninoy Acquino at MMK (Maalaala mo kaya)

January 11, 2010 5:27pm CST
We all know that Mr.Piolo P. was a great actor and his ability in acting was really good. He already received many awards regarding the show he play. What can you say about it? Can he play the role of Mr.Ninoy Aquino? And do you think he deserved to act this role?
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4 responses
@carpiolj (12)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Piolo is a good actor indeed. But in my opinion, they should get an actor with a strong personality just like Ninoy. Clearly, they are just using Piolo's fame to help Noynoy in his campaign.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Honestly? It not comes in my mind that they only using piolo pascual's fame to campaign Noynoy but because you said it. It plays in my mind that in somepart may be you are correct. But let just say that they only doing it to remember the good things that Ninoy done while he was alived and fighting for the freedom of Filipino.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Honestly? It not comes in my mind that they only using piolo pascual's fame to campaign Noynoy but because you said it. It plays in my mind that in somepart may be you are correct. But let just say that they only doing it to remember the good things that Ninoy done while he was alived and fighting for the freedom of Filipino.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
The film was obviously made to relive Ninoy's shining moment and to educate the young filipino minds about what truly happened. Just like the guy below said, I have nothing against Piolo. He's a very good actor and I'm sure that he could fill in the role just fine. But still, Ninoy isn't that handsome and Piolo Pascual lacks strength of character which should be present for one who would portray Ninoy. The only obvious thing left on why Piolo was selected as "Ninoy" was because of his insane popularity. Politicians left and right are looking for a way to elevate their position in the survey rankings.
@mac_0217 (74)
• Canada
12 Jan 10
Hmmm. Piolo Pascual is a good actor indeed but I'm not sure if the character of Ninoy would fit for him. I guess it would greatly depend upon his ability to portray Ninoy. I don't have a final word about it but I do hope to see how well Piolo can play this part. So when will this be aired on TV? I hope someone posts it on YouTube so I can watch it since I'm not in the Philippines.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Hello mac_0217 good day to you. I'm sure there will be someone who will post it on that site. I do not know when this will be aired but i think it's already finished. If it's not in this week?may be in the other week. By the way, as i see in the news that Piolo wearing the eye glass he looks like Ninoy when he was young.
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Piolo is a good actor but I don't know if he can do justice in portraying Ninoy. Let's watch it this Saturday if he do it. Now that the election is coming I think it is there way to campaign Noynoy.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
That we will see when the show is shown on air already. I am thinking that I think the Director and the producers did their assignment to look for the character of Ninoy. So we will see it if he could deliver his role as Ninoy. As far as I know Ninoy was really a leader with a very strong personality. if we would look at Piolo it looks like he is not that strong personality as Ninoy is but it will depend on how well he will practiced his role as Ninoy.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Piolo is a good actor, i'm sure he can surpass our expectations. If you ask me there are others who can play Ninoy. I have nothing against Piolo, but i just see no resemblance on the physical looks department. Not that it matters but if they want to play Ninoy they need to be as close as possible. Almost all of the new actors can act well anyway so i'm not worried about the acting. But if Piolo is the one chosen then let's see. I'm sure he can do the job with flying colors. Cheers!