Can we move on without resolving differences?

@allknowing (132082)
January 11, 2010 7:09pm CST
There was a time when people only got together again after any differences were resolved. But what I see today is people move on keeping those differences inside which simmer there. They have such hatred for each other and yet you will see them at celebrations for which one invites the other. I cannot do this. Are you with me on this?
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6 responses
@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
12 Jan 10
Moving on isn't resolving a problem.. Moving on is more of an action your body and mind takes when it's ready to let go. Some problems just can not be resolved.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
12 Jan 10
Not settling scores is the in thing these days. They prefer not to get into situations nor do they interact with one another except when the time comes for invitations. They want the world to know that everything is hunky dory with them and also a crowd is needed.
• United States
12 Jan 10
I agree some issues cannot be resolved... but if things simmer sooner or later things will burn out!!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Well, yes, its hard to get along with someone who you were not able to get along I'll agree with you on that.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
12 Jan 10
It is sad to see in order to collect a crowd and to give a false impression to people that everything is hunky dory people with whom there are serious differences are invited for functions and both parties pretend that everything is fine. Is this a right thing to do when they are supposed to come for a function and bless the couple if it is a wedding but how can one with so much resentment ever do that. I any day prefer resolving differences and then attend celebrations but sad to say that opportunity never exists as those with whom one has differences prefer to move on keeping resentment in their heart yet when it comes to celebrations so that they have a crowd will invite those with whom they have a bone to pick!
@allknowing (132082)
• India
12 Jan 10
It is sad to see in order to collect a crowd and to give a false impression to people that everything is hunky dory people with whom there are serious differences are invited for functions and both parties pretend that everything is fine. Is this a right thing to do when they are supposed to come for a function and bless the couple if it is a wedding but how can one with so much resentment ever do that. I any day prefer resolving differences and then attend celebrations but sad to say that opportunity never exists as those with whom one has differences prefer to move on keeping resentment in their heart yet when it comes to celebrations so that they have a crowd will invite those with whom they have a bone to pick!
@balasri (26537)
• India
12 Jan 10
I hate to have people not liking me.So I have this habit of making it up with people after a misunderstanding not caring to think about whose side the mistake lies.Many a times I am able to resolve and freshen up the relationships.But there are a couple of instances where the people prefer to stay antagonistic.Well I I understand and let them have a feast on hatred. We cannot be good to everyone and satisfy everyone in this wold in spite of being very good too.Is it not so?
@allknowing (132082)
• India
12 Jan 10
When people remain antogonistic it is time to say goodbye but in a situation like this I have seen people being invited for celebrations and both parties go along just to show to the world that alls well them.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
12 Jan 10
When we are working together in an office, we will have many interactions. We cannot keep our faces big in an office and we cannot avoid people there. Hence I will keep my differences in my mind, try to be normal with people with whom I have differences. But I will not move closely with them. It will be only to the point moving.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
17 Jan 10
This is a situation where one has to behave as suggested by you. But I am talking of those who for years have nothing to do with each other and yet are invited!!They should first settle their differences and then get back!
@ElsaElsa (323)
• United States
14 Jan 10
It's hard to move on without resolving differnces. In fact, even if you attempt to resolve them you don't feel satisfied inside and that's when those feelings simmer. I wonder how actors and actresses do it. They are at all events where their exes are and they converse and look professional but really that's so tough to do.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
17 Jan 10
This world is full of 'whitened sepulchres'.
• United States
12 Jan 10
I agree that it is strange sometimes but my parents were able to pull it off. They divorced when I was 19yrs old, and the first 5 yrs after wards was hard for everyone, you had to be careful what you said to them, then at some point, they made peace with it all and each other. From that point on, they were both at all family functions, each with their new partners, which was great for us kids. There were times when you could tell that one or the other had said or done something that pushed the others buttons but they remained adult about it. They both passed away in 2007 within 4 months of each other and I will always cherish the memories of those times with the whole family got together. So it kind of depends on the people and the situation. Although if I am not connected to another person because of children or family, I usually do not socialize with my ex's....however, if I had to be around them, I could only hope that I could be as classy as my parents were. Best wishes....
@allknowing (132082)
• India
12 Jan 10
Making peace with each other is what one needs to do and there are certain things cannot be remedied but atleast making peace with each other is within reach. Felt nice reading this response of yours!