things that get on my nerves

United States
January 12, 2010 2:34pm CST
I am in my car driving and this person is riding my butt trying to get me to go faster. Don't people know that there are cars ahead of me that are not going as fast, then the driver that was tailing me speeds up to pass and for what reason just to get to the red light faster than me. Slow down we will all get there in one piece.
1 response
• United States
12 Jan 10
My favorite thing to do when I know that people are acting like this is to slow down. If they did not like me driving the speed limit then maybe a mile/hour under the speed limit would suit them better. People today are so impatient and self centered when they are driving that they forget that we all have somewhere to go and something to do. And you are certainly right they should slow down so that we can all get there in one piece. Don't you find it sweet justice when someone like this passes you and then you get to pass them again a little while later as they sit with the cop for a speeding ticket.