Aurora based PTC sites exploit or fair cheat for the clickers. So to do?

January 15, 2010 5:24pm CST
First will explain what is Aurora system.It's a paid to everything sites, can pay for what you think, Paid to click , P. to read, Read emails, Promote them,to signup, so i found a system for upgraded members how to chet to improve their earnings about 10 times on that type of sites, so my problem is what to do?Tell to makers about their hole, or start spamming admins to make solution for their own?If i tell here how it works i think many of those sites will scam in hours or days cuz everybody look for easy money. Do you think i have to silence earnings , tell others how to make it too thought this cheat , because i try to be honest and from a good guys , if you're on my place what u will do?Tell others the easy way or tell makers and admins who rob us every day.May be if they reward people who find their errors in work at some way i'll be glad to share my opinion whit their scripts.So what have i do?
1 response
@veromar (1453)
• Argentina
16 Jan 10
Wow, Pakonis! That's a tough situation to be in. Like you say, so many of them scam us users but I don't think that would justify telling us how to "beat the system" to make more money off of them. If I were you, I'd probably approach the admins of those sites from a business prospective. Tell them you've found the "hole" in their system but don't tell them exactly what it is. Maybe you can get some sort of payment from it, you know? I'd approach one particular admin first and see how it goes. I don't have any idea how to go about it, other than just simply writing to them and saying you have a way to improve their system. State just a couple of reasons why they should listen to more of what you have to say. I consider myself to be an honest person too, but we seem to be in a minority on the internet! lol. Anyway, good luck with this! I would be very interested in hearing what develops for you.
• Bulgaria
16 Jan 10
yes but if i tell them and ask for money they will simple bann me i think , no one admin will just pay me to tell him programmers misstakes, and i don't see a reason to pay me anything if i told them, that's why i'm so confused ,i can make smoe money but it lost the sense , once i start this way i think will fall dawn very soon , i'm not gonna change my IP address and lose all i've done with my accounts only for making them happy, that's why i don't know what to do , i hate to cheat but what they do next if i tell them the hole , they can bann me from everywhere cuz i'm only whit this nick , once banned and postet in forums , they will look for me in admin panel and bann me immediately.