Do you like Martha Stewart?

@beckyomg1 (6756)
United States
November 15, 2006 7:47am CST
WHat is your opinion on her? Do like watching her?
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7 responses
• United States
22 Nov 06
No I don't. I think she is a fake person. My mother's friend Idolizes her. I don't know why.
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@LadyElektra (1078)
• Canada
22 Nov 06
have never like her.never will..dont watch her either
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@kylesmiles (1910)
• United States
22 Nov 06
I did watch her show when it first came on (recently). But this season I haven't been watching. I am usually working out during that time anyway. :) Once in awhile I will watch a few minutes here and there.
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• United States
22 Nov 06
I only watch her when I happen upon her show by chance while channel surfing. I don't watch a lot of television programs during the day. I do like some of her ideas.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
22 Nov 06
No, I can't stand watching her. She thinking we all have this time to do so many things at once. And most of the things she shows to make I would either not even think about eating it or I have no clue where to get the ingredient that she is talking about.
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@rracers89 (3246)
• United States
22 Nov 06
I can NOT stand this woman,something about her drives me insane. i think it is because she has a awnser for everything.
@rracers89 (3246)
• United States
22 Nov 06
Oh i forgot to add that my mother in law knowing how much i hate her bought me a door mat that says martha stewart does not live here
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I can't stand her. She's a phony and I think she gives the impression that she thinks she is better than everyone else. I can't stand her taste in decorating and I would never bother with her recipes. The recipes seem too complex and time-consuming, and a lot of her ingredients are not things that I would normally have on had or be inclined to buy.