Have you think about suicide problem among young adults?

Guangzhou, China
January 16, 2010 10:49pm CST
An article in the Guardian discusses the suicide problem among adults under 35 in China, according to which,an estimated 250,000 people have killed themselves every year.It also quotes from China Daily that another 2.5 million to 3.5 million people make unsuccessful attempts to commit suicide annually. These facts are astonishing.When reading this piece of news,people can't help asking:why do so many people wish to end their lives when they're still young? A report given by China's state media suggests that the various growing pressures people arenow under are the possible causes that have resulted in the death of so many young adults.The young are under more and more stress tosucceed in whatever they do,be it love,education or work.As the pressure increases people become more and more indifferent to each other,for they need to concentrate on the competition against others.As a result,loneliness grows and,inevitably,some people may suffer from depression.Unfortunately,however,in China,no due attention has been paid to it and there's still a lack of medical care in this regard has contributed in part to the death of those young adults. In my opinion,in order to solve the suicide problem among the young,on the one hand ,our government should take some measures to help people better deal with their problems so as to prevent them from killing themselves.On the other hand ,young people need to learn to accept failures,how to learn from them and how to turnfailure into success .Only through the combined efforts made by the government and the individuals,can we succeed in stopping more people from killing themselves.
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