To parents and future parents: How will you raise your child?

January 17, 2010 11:05pm CST
Hi,:-) Good morning! The family is the first institution where a child can learn much for it is the foundation of society. The situation in the home will surely affect the child's upbringing. If the parents would fail to do their responsibilities as parents, then greater is the tendency that their child will grow the same. If the child is living in a home devoid of love and care, that child will surely look for it outside and some of them, because of the lack of guidance follow a path that leads to their own destruction. How about you friend, how will you raise your child in order to help him to be in the right path or make him/her an asset to the society?
7 responses
• Canada
19 Jan 10
If I were to have a child I'd make sure that my child is loved and they know it. I'd be there for my child and make sure they felt wanted. I'd also make sure that they went to church on a daily basis because i think religion is important.
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
18 Jan 10
The best way to start is to be close friends with your children. Be close to them and let them confide in you, that will make it easy to have a good relationship with them and teach them right and wrong.
• India
18 Jan 10
|I would like my son to grow up as a nice and caring person.Me and my husband (not only us, but every human being) have some good and bad qualities in us. |I keep on explaining to him our bad qualities and tell him not to copy those and since he is our only child, there is no dearth of love from both of us. But along with love, strictness from my side is also there. Well we are trying our best and pray he turns out to be a good citizen and some signs of his nature are there for all to see i.e. he is very caring for his grand parents. When he is home, he demands that our daily maid be made to eat first and he keeps on asking her with she wants any thing more or not. I think this caring nature in childhood will remain with him through out.
@MimiRemo (418)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
Hello, Joseph. Honestly, I vowed to myself that when I have children, I would raise them differently than the way my parents have raised us. I mean, I've grown up decent but there are some issues that I just wish my parents would have put it in their hearts as important aspects of parenting. I wouldn't want to be authoritative. I want to raise my future kids to be open-minded, respectful and fair mostly, through a channeled and loving family communication.
@nemrac12 (388)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
hi joseph, i agree in your opinion. Home is the first school and parents are the first teacher of children in learning and foundation. As a mother of 2 children, i raise them on the middle aspects. What i mean is not too strict and not too loose...
• United States
18 Jan 10
This is a good question. Conincidently, me and my boyfriend often talk about what kind of parents we would be to our future children. I have been a child also and I have seen how society's burden can be hard on me. He too went through a lot as a kid. So we both decided to be friends with our children. We want them to be able to communicate with us about anything that bothers them. We will not give them that psycho look like our parents or threaten them to do something. We would like to be realistic to them. That is, we would give them enough information on how the real world is so that they learn to use proper judgement to pick the right things for themselves. Additionally, we have decided to give our kids normal lives no matter how much money we will have in our bank account. We actually want them to learn the value of money so they do not spend it on irrelevant things. But there is always fear within us. Every human has different personality and we both know that our kids will be different individuals. Both my boyfriend and I fear that we would be too weak for them since the notion of love is attached to kids.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
18 Jan 10
love and togetherness, it is the key word in coaching so that children continue in the right way according to the family's own goal